if ur boRed.. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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if ur boRed..


Explorer Addict
January 19, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
san luis obispo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
McNeil Mountaineer
This post is gonna be the start of a story... I am going to start this post with "the boy went too.." and the person who replys has to finish the sentence and then add another continuing sentence for the next person to finish off and so on.. There are unlimited ways to extend this story. The only rule here is don't end the story and please use proper storyline techniques..

The boy went to the....

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.....and bought a pony......

with three legs.....

...... and rode it to.......

the piggly wiggly

when all of a sudden he ran into......

Something new....

........and then magically........

turned into a dunebuggy......

...he hit a deer, but he just happened to have a bucket in the back and decided to...

...puke. Then he took the bucket and...

threw it on a ricer and said..

....then they owner saw him and said"......

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...who said, yummm, just like home made....
