if ur boRed.. | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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if ur boRed..

yea but while flopping around, he seen poo flying across the room, right at shanes head, and shane doesnt have the poo blocker anymore......

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So he ATE it! and poo was not ever mentions again between the two...but.....

then all of the sudden a monkey crawl out his butt and was attacking everyone around till...............

Originally posted by WannaBTrckmagik
then all of the sudden a monkey crawl out his butt and was attacking everyone around till...............

he ran out of POO(HAHA), so he went to eat more banna's to produce soem more POO...........

...but the bananas were laced with viagra...

and the mokeys tail stood straight up for the rest of his life, which really made him.....

... Wanta Fanta (Don't cha wanta), especially the Grape girl because she's hott, but out of nowhere....

....a midget riding a tricyle ate one of the bannanas....

and it looked like he put it in his pants, but...

...didn't notice. Then he saw this hot girl laying under a tree so then he got off his tricycle and said...

Do you have any gray puopon?...and she said....

He he he, he said poo, so the monkey slapped her upside the head for using that word again and .....

foot and she stuck it back where it came from, which made the monkey...

fly up the tree and land on a branch, he than sat there, and proceeded to poo on her from the branch............

till the branch broke and he landed on what he was dropping and said...

.....Hey Ma, look what I found...


but mom was sooooo disgusted she...

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went to the local four wheel parts store...
