if ur boRed.. | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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if ur boRed..

so on april fool's day the aliens come back again and take over the world AGAIN.........................

haha happy april fools

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..while back at home on his computer, clarkkent can't belive he started this thread and also cant believe people are still posting, so he sits at home and replys back to the post....

..."After the aliens take over they then go to the supermarket and buy......."

big old ugly chevy s10's to get them no further than..........

...Best Buy, where they ditch the S10's and go inside to buy the new Linkin Park cd and a giant Boombox ..:D

but honestly, they dont like linkin park, so they throw th cd's away and walk to the costume shop with big........

...but then they realize afros went out of style 20 years ago, so they decide to get a wee bit more current and grow.........

cuz's, its odd, because 2 cuz's combine into one, forming one big.......

hairy beaver...............

...with 6 legs and 5 ........

they quikly discovered that they had multiple personalities that allowed them to.........

while shaving their hairy beavers, some photographers happen to walk by and take a picture of..........

crack hoes...........

this led to a pitiful night of..........

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barbaric ****ography....
