X-Ville: The Saga Continues... | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X-Ville: The Saga Continues...

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Equipped with H&K MP5A5's Sapo's team gears up on the SouthEast side of the facility. 2 Snipers are on standby in both the South And East ridge. GIJOE is anxious to give the go as he is safe in his bullet/bomb proff explorer stationed neer the utility shed. GIJOE gives the GO signal. Sapo and his team approach the fence line. Pocket Plasma cutters slice through the fence with Precission and ease. 1 of 3 fence line guards is spotted walking towards the team that has gathered in the shed. This is picked up by sniper 1 on the east ridge. As the Guard goes to open the shed door Sniper 1 cleans him out and eats a snikers bar. The guard that now has half of his face missing from cerebral shattering is dragged into the shed and layed face down.

Members of Crazy's team take up concealed positions near the breach in the fence to stop any of the terrorists from discovering the hole, all with MP5A5's except for Crazy, who carries an M1911A1, a Walther PP7, and a Bullpup. Crazy and 2 of his team members set out to wreak some havok at the front gate to keep the terrorists occupied at the proper time. They are just waiting for the word that the Hostages are secure.

"Sierra actual, sierra actual, this is Charlie actual, we are outside the chicken coop, are the eggs in the nest, over"

Crazy doesn't get a reply, and decides to go in after them for some backup

as crazy5711 goes in, nice59fordf100 drives by while taking his ex to get the tranny rebuilt. Nice 59fordf100 is eating a hotdog

Just before I get in, there's a huge explosion and peices of cakes and pies rain down all over

He Looks around and finds no one. Hes calling in for his guys and hears nothing. Hes alone..

Batteries weak, eggs broke, repeat eggs broke

alone in a world of pastries.

but suddenly...

He sees a light at the end of a tunnel. "OVER HERE!!" he listens closer and hears screems. "OVER HERE!!!"

as he heads towards the screams, he notices terrorist bodies all around him, some blown up, other having been impaled by spatulas or choking on bits of bran muffin lodged in thier throats. as he gets near the screams...

He sees its a group of terrorist sorority ****s..

One of the girls sees him and screams, "Pizzas here!!!" and they all start running towards him, so he....

Runs away as fast as he can, yelling out...

Billy-joe's donut delux pastry shop!!! From here, we can lure them in and take em out....

Good ol' Joey P. Sends F14 the text message. THE text message. It's time for combat...

F14, complete with his world saving gear, gets in his Limited. The summer night is warm and still. It has seen many wars and conflicts, but tonight, will see another. The OHV fires up. He looks back, reaches forward, and drops it into reverse, and mashes the pedal. Once in the street, he quickly turns to straighten out, and without coming to a complete stop, slams it into drive and launches the Limited towards the meeting spot...

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Joey P. in all his wisdom makes the call that billy-joe's pastry shop is a wee bit small at 700 sq feet to fit everyone.....besides the pastries here weren't all that cracked up to be....we need a new meeting spot....
