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if ur boRed..

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…..Where they were surprised to learn that jello was actually made from……

but Cosby informed him that he just wasted 15 minutes of his life reading a thread about poo, so he handed him a pudding pop and sent him to....

the rest room to clean up with dubble ply when....

He realized that it wasn't double ply but was in fact used single ply and was of no use to him so then he...

Pulled off his whitey tighties to wipe his face when he saw someone else’s name written on the tag so he...

mcmahon the wrestling superstar. just then he heard shane coming into the bathroom so he...

... said hi and gave him the rock bottom ...

after that he jumped off the sink and followed with "the peoples elbow" He then took his tightie whities back and left heaed for the...

extra large gigantic steamy bucket of hot stinky..
.POO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He then whips out Caleb's all famous " Poo Blocker" and uses it as a sheild, the poo splatters on the Poo Blocker, and Caleb eats it as a side dish...


after one bite he realizes this is stupid, and uses oen of those suasage machines to make paintballs of poo, and than loads them in the hopper, and opens fire on shane....

without realizing Shane still has the Poo Blocker in hand, Caleb soon find himself covered in poo.......



and caleb loved it so much he...........

jumped for joy, then broke his leg and the experience was so traumatizing that poo wasn't brought up again....

because every time he heard or read that word, excrutiating pain shot up his leg and made him spontaneously....

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flop on the ground like a fish out of water....
