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X-Ville: The Saga Continues...

One shot One kill Devil Dog

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jackson screams like a little girl and falls to the ground. "csubject nutralized" says bob in his earpeice. and got back to work on his SAS.

That was a good shot, maybe X-ville needs some special forces to help beef up the sherriffs dept during the times of routine terrorist actions against X-ville

Crazy and Bob would be on it

Besides, I don't have a job in X-ville yet

The Mayor considers how to have a special forces team that would operate under the wing of the local sherrif... then it hits him..... a SWAT team.

What do you think Crazy... team leader of the SWAT team, with Bob as your first team member? Remember that you'd be reporting to Sherrif GIJoe.

I will be second team leader. Im very qualified. I suggest having 3 squads of 4. Our side arm will be S&W HK 40 cals. Well be equiped with flash grenades and nightvission goggles. Our infrered monitoring system that works off of GPS will alert us of intuders around the perimeter of the camp.

Also. It means nothing that im under investigation under KC lamps. I work for you guys now.

I watch COPS Marathon On the FX chanel on Monday nights!! Thats 7 hours of COPS!!! Plus i Patrol the streets in my town. Thats right. When not in the X im in a Crown Vic.

Hmmm, sounds like you should be the captain of the town watch! But if you really want to be on the SWAT team I think Crazy is going to have to sponser a boot camp and basic training course for those interested.

After all, we must have a fully trained SWAT team to combat the illegal ricer trade problem we're having.

i have the ricer situtation under control.
i just bougt 72 pounds of Platic explosives:D

I think we could run 3 squads, Me, Bob, and Sapomxr will lead each squad, with GIJoe in charge. Each squad will have a seperate speciality. Bob's team will be explosives and Snipers. Sapomxr's team will be for close range engagement, room clearing, and hand to hand combat, and my team will be WMD and Surveilance.

equipment was made available at the new Gibson Tactical Surplus store located in downtown.

Bob quickly learns he shouldn't have let Scormunch play in the explosives aisle at Gibson's Tactical Surplus store. Theres a loud *thud* and Scor runs out of the store. The odd-looking clerk behind the counter yells...

It's a good thing the firing pins aren't installed in anything just yet!!

Scor enters back into the store as if nothing had happened. Sapo calls him up on his cell phone to inform him of tonights mission.

K boys here is the mission. we are to infeltrate the betty crocker factory to remove so called "dough bombs" hidden in the cakes. each team will lead a certain strategic part of the infeltration.
crazy first with information on enemy spots
sapo clears the rooms
bob heads up the seek and destroy of the bombs

Allright, there is a guard post on the northside of the compound, two guards inside, armed with Uzi's and Barretta's. Three more patrol the fence line, they have AK-47's. There are 15 foot towers on the northeast and the southwest corners. Two men in each tower with Hi powered sniper rifles and each tower has a spotlight. the north gate has a road that leads 15 yards to the administration building. There are four guards inside holding the factory staff hostage with shotguns. One has a bomb vest with a heart beat monitor. Southeast of the admin building is a utility shed. and southwest of the admin building is the main factory floor. The main bldg is sealed off and it is estimated there are 20 gunmen inside with asault rifles and pistols. IR cameras indicate the esplosives are located in a room on the southwest side of the building. there is a wooded ridge that runs along the south and east sides of the complex, and would be a good place to put snipers for the mission. best point of entry into the compound is the southeast corner. Then rally at the utility shed and split up to free the hostages and disarm the explosives simultaneously. The terrorists all carry small hand held two way radio's. They are on channel 4, and my team will be monitoring that freq and keep you apprised of any changes.

alright yall saddle up. mission is go. crocker is goin down...

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More intel just in, all buidings have two entrances and exits, one on the north side, one on the south. Also, they just put two more sentries on the roof of the Factory, armed with Winchester 30-30's and H&K MP5's
