if ur boRed.. | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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if ur boRed..

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peanut butter and jelly...

the crack hoes smear the jar of pb&j all over....


while driving by in a prerunner ranger the color of kenny's mom's...

as they drive down the road they talk about how they should not get anyones mom involved in this...

...thread, but then a bunch of Hondas being driven by Saddam's ugly kids come by with 10" spoilers, so they stop talking about moms and take out machine guns.....

...to the rear ends of ricey civics, and blow them up. the cops come and.............

( suprised this thread hasnt been deleted )

ask them why they are driving around in such a....

Peice of sh*t that looks like......

a hairy beaver.....

with little beady eyes and a worn out spine.......

...So the cops decide it's time to...

take matters into his own hands, so he pulls out his

and points it towards the

sons, and says "this is Allah",

...the almighty. Say your last prayers as this will be the end.

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When All of a sudden G I Joe showed up......
