Silverwood/Arrowhead January Snud Run | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Silverwood/Arrowhead January Snud Run

exploderpilot and mounty71.... what days (10th -> 13th) are OK for you?


To be honest, 2wd with an open diff is going to have trouble on most of the hard branches of Cleghorn. On the other hand, the trails crisscross so often (at least a dozen times) that it's not bad if you have to back out of a few parts of the trail. Boomer will probably need to let his tranny cool down every third trail or so anyway ;)

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My truck will be going back to the shop on Thurs. So if it ends up being Fri or better yet Sat, then hopefully that won't be a problem anymore...:rolleyes:

I'm pretty much ok with whatever day, just gonna be 50/50 at best with my wife.....

Saturday is the best for me, but friday would probably work too. And i have a limited slip, but i think we'll be in the jeep anyway.

Since everyone can do Friday, that is what I would recommend. Fewer drunk morons on the trail.

BTW: We got almost a foot of snow last night :).

Since everyone can do Friday, that is what I would recommend. Fewer drunk morons on the trail.

BTW: We got almost a foot of snow last night :).

Friday Goooood:D

got pics? was looking at the San Gabriel Mtns this morning and saw there were covered pretty good from last night.

My explorer might struggle a little with this run otherwise id love to go...

well maybe me or someone else can pick u up if ya wanna ride.:thumbsup:

Carlover, if you brought your ex then id think about bringing the mounty too :)

Crap, i just remembered my dad and i have plans for friday night, i think about 6:00. So that probably rules out friday for us.

...mounty, the bypass road which serpentines the whole trail is just like the main divide road...;)

Crap, i just remembered my dad and i have plans for friday night, i think about 6:00. So that probably rules out friday for us.
Depends how far your drive is. We usually start pretty early in the AM and hit Highway 138 (end of Cleghorn) by 1-3pm. Even if the group is running late, you can take the easy branch of the trail and get to the highway quickly. I don't see any reason you couldn't be back on the freeway buy 2-3pm.

got pics? was looking at the San Gabriel Mtns this morning and saw there were covered pretty good from last night.
From the Big Bear side of the mtn...:D


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What time would this be on friday??
I would say 8:30am, but I don't have to drive major freeways to get there, so I will concede to those who do.

Carlover, if you brought your ex then id think about bringing the mounty too :)

Don't worry guys if y'all decide to bring your rides
we'll have enough straps whips chains and hi-lift jacks to get ya unstuck:D;)

...mounty, the bypass road which serpentines the whole trail is just like the main divide road...;)

Similar to a fire road :scratch:

I would say 8:30am, but I don't have to drive major freeways to get there, so I will concede to those who do.

8:30am sound good to me :D

And Carlover if wanna go minus your ride then let me know PM your addy/phone number to me later in the week and i can pick ya up on the way out Friday.

So is this going to be strictly a Cleghorn run...or are we going to continue up something like the Pilot rock trail to your place???

We can do both. Depending on what the rain has done, we may be skipping a few of the hardest parts of Cleghorn. I also plan to start from the 138 (by the train tracks) since most of us have done that long, uneventful forest road up from the 15 enough times.

That will give us some more time to run over to the dam or do Miller Canyon (2N37) and have fun with a dozen creek crossings :thumbsup:

Edit: I just committed to working Saturday morning, so Friday is now firm unless someone else choses to host the run.

mounty your truck would do ok depending on the conditions of the trail. we took the navajo on its first run ever right after we fixed the head gasket to cleghorn. it was only 1.5" lifted on p235/75r15 tires and the auto locking hubs didn't work so i was only in 2wd the whole time. and i had a blast on that trail. some stuff is too hard for 2wd but there's alot of thing you can do there. and if your like me, just blast as fast as you can on the main road and find the jumps :D if i go to jim's house today ill load some pics up from that trail run. sadly, though, the next run we tried to go on with the navajo, we through a rod bearing or something and got te engine rebuilt.

the last cleghorn trip, me and justin went on and i think we got home around 3-4 pm. we drove the whole cleghorn trail and then headed home when we hit the highway at the end. everyone else went on to the 3n17 trail.

if the trail is all muddy then it might be a little hard for the mounty. but im sure you can have fun even if you take the easy stuff

well i guess you guys are starting/doing a different part of the trail. but here's the navajo at the start of the trail off of the 15 getting ready for its maiden voyage. yup thats right, no dents, no scraches, all stock trim and fenders wheels bumpers grill. only thing changed was 1.5" springs and add-a-leaf. and the 4x4 wasn't working. awwwwww i miss the mazda grill :(

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I thought you said you still have the mazda grill and lights. Anyway, i really don't know what's happening friday. Today my dad and i both missed a full day of work (i'm working for him), so we don't know if he can take friday off yet. I most likely can, but last night i also found out my friend is in town from chicago this week, but will be going back on saturday, so i could also go snowboarding in big bear with him on friday. :confused: Decisions, decisions. And i still have a commitment on friday night that i can't miss or be late for. So no promises from me yet.

What about a run up in big bear the weekend after truckhaven maybe? It would give people more time to plan everything out, and that would guarantee no extreme problems occurring before truckhaven. Would there still be snow/mud in 3 weeks? Just an idea.
