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Dog issues-

Whoa, if the rest of the family isn't on board with the training, it ain't gonna work. They gotta help or it will take longer than forever.

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Whoa, if the rest of the family isn't on board with the training, it ain't gonna work. They gotta help or it will take longer than forever.

they aren't on board with the dogs going away.
So something has to be done.

The easy first step is to just crate the dog. When the kids are over, the dog gets put away. Either in another room, or in a crate. Dogs quickly get use to crates, and in the end that dog might end up heading to the crate in its own when the kids come over, because it ends up being the dog's "safe zone". It's the easiest way to be a responsible pet owner, and avoid just "tossing them to the curb".

I don't think he was ever considering "tossing them to the curb" If that was his mentality then he wouldn't have even posted this, he would have just dropped them off. Some dogs take well to the crate, and some dogs hate it and never get used to it. At 7 years old crate training will be tough. Maybe start with a child gate and close them in a smaller room.

I don't think he was ever considering "tossing them to the curb" If that was his mentality then he wouldn't have even posted this, he would have just dropped them off. Some dogs take well to the crate, and some dogs hate it and never get used to it. At 7 years old crate training will be tough. Maybe start with a child gate and close them in a smaller room.

I didn't mean to direct that comment at JT. It was mentioned by someone else, and I think that's a pretty poor way to treat a pet that you signed up to take care of. I can understand the rare circumstances which would force a person to find another home for their pet, but that would hopefully be after a LOT of other options had failed.

Nigel drooled into the keyboard While watching Ceasar--
I had to ebay a new one.

Now, I have watched this guy in action, so I decided to give it a whirl.

We have had 3 days in a row with no barking at the mailman!!!

The weird thing is, Nigel follows me around now with a stupid look on his face.
I can't put my finger on it, but it's almost like he's afraid of me now.

AS for Natty, the "child nipper"
I can't tell. She always rolls onto her back when you approach her. You grab her neck and she closes her eyes because she likes it.

Now--the funny thing-

Our oldest daughter brought Norah ( our youngest grand child) for a visit.
She was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch.
Natty will lay beside her, and "protect" her from Nigel. He isn't allowed near.

She was this way with all of the grandchildren.

Nigel drooled into the keyboard While watching Ceasar--
I had to ebay a new one.

Now, I have watched this guy in action, so I decided to give it a whirl.

We have had 3 days in a row with no barking at the mailman!!!

The weird thing is, Nigel follows me around now with a stupid look on his face.
I can't put my finger on it, but it's almost like he's afraid of me now.

AS for Natty, the "child nipper"
I can't tell. She always rolls onto her back when you approach her. You grab her neck and she closes her eyes because she likes it.

Now--the funny thing-

Our oldest daughter brought Norah ( our youngest grand child) for a visit.
She was wrapped up in a blanket on the couch.
Natty will lay beside her, and "protect" her from Nigel. He isn't allowed near.

She was this way with all of the grandchildren.

LOL!!! Funny stuff!!

Nigel isn't following you around because he's afraid of you, he's following his pack leader. The subordinates are there to support the pack leader in his endeavors... He's just looking for guidance from you, and that's not a bad thing...

Make sure that Natty's behavior is wanted... If Nigel tries to approach and Natty rebuffs him, if you do nothing, it tells Natty that her actions are OK. If you, as the pack leader, correct HER at that point, you're telling her that her actions are unacceptable... Depends what you condition her to do...

Make sense?

Now that I've discovered the cache of Cesar videos online, I've got hours of vids to catch up on LOL!!


Yeah they will follow you around. Im one of the alpha males in our pack, a fraternity is just like a pack we have two me as the past president and our new president, and if i go anywhere around the house Mars is following right behind me.

And Joe is right about correcting Natty, if you do nothing she thinks what she is doing is ok, well its not. You wouldnt let two of your kids start hitting each other.

This is awesome news! Cesar has always been a favorite of mine and I know his methods work if you get everyone to agree with it. We've been working with our dogs using some of his methods and we are noticing some big changes.

Keep up the good work and keep us posted! :)
