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Buzzing Sound

Its driving me crazy also. I have been to the dealership twice and both times they have told me there is nothing they can do about it. I am currently trying to find a way to return my vehicle.

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I actually have a recording of the buzzing sound if anyone would like to hear it. Sometimes it gets louder than the stereo and its impossible to drive the vehicle with the radio off.

Its driving me crazy also. I have been to the dealership twice and both times they have told me there is nothing they can do about it. I am currently trying to find a way to return my vehicle.
Has the noise been isolated to the fan? If so, it should be replaced. Tell them others have had authorized replacements done. If they refuse tell them you are taking your business to another dealer. Another option is to get Crystal (FordCustSrvc) involved with your dealer.
I don't know why Ford won't acknowledge that there is a problem with the 2013 model fans? :dunno::scratch:


Yes, I have done all of those things, short of trying another dealer. Crystal referred me to my Regional area service rep and she told me the same thing the dealership has stated, "All the explorers do it, its a normal characteristic". I love the vehicle, its beautiful inside and out, but I have gotten to the point where I don't even want to start it.

Yes, I have done all of those things, short of trying another dealer. Crystal referred me to my Regional area service rep and she told me the same thing the dealership has stated, "All the explorers do it, its a normal characteristic". I love the vehicle, its beautiful inside and out, but I have gotten to the point where I don't even want to start it.
ALL Explorers do not do it. Only the 2013's. Next time you get that loud buzz have the service manager sit in the vehicle and ask him if that is a normal noise that he would put up with. If there are any 2012 or 2011 models on the lot have him listen to those.


That is sound advice. The service manager is well aware of the issue, but he is just as adamant as everyone else that it is a non-issue. I think might try to email the audio I have of the fan to someone at Ford and see if they can get the ball rolling.

Thanks for reading BTW! It's nice to have someone to chat with about the issue.

Hey folks!

Just a reminder that I'm here to assist; send a PM my way with your info (VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, full name) and I'll do some research.

If you've already reached out to me and are still experiencing the buzzing noise, I'm happy to schedule a follow-up call from your regional customer service manager. All I need is a PM from you with your current mileage and I'll do the rest.



I also want to add that Crystal, can you not contact my dealership and find that a fan was replaced and transfer this data to dbemspy's regional customer service rep to insure that this gets taken are of? I'm not real sure that I understand the disparity between regional customer service reps and dealerships. One would think that there would be some collaboration between regions to insure customer satisfaction.

My fan was replaced and the issue is fixed. This needs to be reported to other regional customer service reps to insure that your customers remain loyal. While I have been a little irked at the quirkyness of my Explorer, I still love the vehicle. However, part of that love, and reason I do not regret my decision, AND would buy another Ford tomorrow, is my experience with the dealership. It is the care AFTER THE SALE, that Ford needs to insure it's dealerships and/or franchises pursue. If they don't, I say close them down.


I also want to add that Crystal, can you not contact my dealership and find that a fan was replaced and transfer this data to dbemspy's regional customer service rep to insure that this gets taken are of? I'm not real sure that I understand the disparity between regional customer service reps and dealerships. One would think that there would be some collaboration between regions to insure customer satisfaction...

Hi doloskeeter,

Dealerships are independently owned and operated, but they do collaborate with regional customer service managers on solutions to customer concerns. Ultimately, though, a dealership has to diagnose a vehicle before they can perform a repair. If a customer has a concern and reaches out to me, I include notes that a CSM can then address with the dealership and the customer; unfortunately, I cannot make outbound calls.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


I have the same issue as others. 2013 Explorer with about 4K miles. It doesn't sound like the buzzing is happening all the time. Only when I'm parked or going very slow. I also don't hear it if the truck has been sitting for awhile before I start it.

Of course other noises may just be covering it up at high speeds.

Has anyone else heard back from their dealer? My software is all upgraded and I'm not using an iphone.

I have the same issue as others. 2013 Explorer with about 4K miles. It doesn't sound like the buzzing is happening all the time. Only when I'm parked or going very slow. I also don't hear it if the truck has been sitting for awhile before I start it.

Of course other noises may just be covering it up at high speeds.

Has anyone else heard back from their dealer? My software is all upgraded and I'm not using an iphone.
Welcome to the Forum RBruno.:wavey:
Since you can hear it when parked, that eliminates quite a few things. Also since you have a 2013 model, I would think that there is a very good chance it is the fan noise that others have heard. This would mean replacing the fan that is behind that small grill in the dash and is part of the cabin temperature sensing system.



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My advice is to take it in. My dealer wont deal with it, but I think some other owners have had success.

Hopefully you don't have the same misfortune I have had.

Thanks everyone. I will try to get it into the dealer and report back.

My dealer has had mine for the last day and a half and I guess I get it back tomorrow.
They said the buzz/fan noise is part of the Blend Door Actuator system and they had to order parts. Hope that des the trick.
It's getting a seat seam repaired (middle seat, drivers side shoulder) and the door panel on the passenger side where it wraps to the dash is out if alignment.

All stuff agreed to get fixed when we took delivery. Would have ad it taken care of sooner, but we took the Explorer on its maiden voyage.

Bryceb and RBruno -- I had mine repaired (didn't work) then replaced and it's been fine ever since.

Good luck!

Bryceb and RBruno -- I had mine repaired (didn't work) then replaced and it's been fine ever since.

Good luck!

They claim that's fixed... they get the replacement door panel tomorrow... I guess I'll get me Ex back tomorrow. Next week, they'll be fixing the seam on the seat. I think they may be replacing the cover on that seat actually.

They claim that's fixed... they get the replacement door panel tomorrow... I guess I'll get me Ex back tomorrow. Next week, they'll be fixing the seam on the seat. I think they may be replacing the cover on that seat actually.

Let us know how things go at the dealership, Bryceb. If you need any assistance, just send a PM my way.


Let us know how things go at the dealership, Bryceb. If you need any assistance, just send a PM my way.


Thanks Crystal. According to my wife, the buzz is gone.
We need to take it back next week again to get the seat fixed... not sure what the wait is.
They can't fix the door trim... looks like this is an ongoing issue since 2011 where the trim on the passenger door at the wrap to the dash is not lined up properly. Seems that on a vehicle that stickers at $46K you wouldn't have to deal with this. At this point, I don't want the dealer to screw with it and make it worse. Other cares on the lot had that same issue. Some worse, some less, but all were not right.
I guess I'll just keep driving my '01 F-250 while the dealer farts around. Maybe I should have gotten another truck from the KTP instead of the Chicago Plant.

Thanks Crystal. According to my wife, the buzz is gone.
We need to take it back next week again to get the seat fixed... not sure what the wait is.
They can't fix the door trim... looks like this is an ongoing issue since 2011 where the trim on the passenger door at the wrap to the dash is not lined up properly. Seems that on a vehicle that stickers at $46K you wouldn't have to deal with this. At this point, I don't want the dealer to screw with it and make it worse. Other cares on the lot had that same issue. Some worse, some less, but all were not right.
I guess I'll just keep driving my '01 F-250 while the dealer farts around. Maybe I should have gotten another truck from the KTP instead of the Chicago Plant.

I'm glad to hear that you're buzz-free, Bryceb. I'm happy to get your remaining concerns escalated and in the hands of your regional customer service manager; if you'd like to proceed, just send me a PM with your info (VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, full name) and I'll do the rest.


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I'm glad to hear that you're buzz-free, Bryceb. I'm happy to get your remaining concerns escalated and in the hands of your regional customer service manager; if you'd like to proceed, just send me a PM with your info (VIN, dealer, mileage, daytime phone number, full name) and I'll do the rest.


Looks like the dash issue is something that's not being addressed on most Explorers. All of them in the lot looked similar (some worse, some better) and there's a multi-page thread on it on this site. I guess it is what it is, and that's a shame.

Let's see how they address the seam coming undone on the 2nd row seat. I may need your help on that if it's not done right this week. Hard to believe it made it through a QC check with this. thanks, Bryce
