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Street Pack vs Track Pack

Am hoping smaller rims will work. I like having snow tires and the options start to dwindle the larger the rim size.

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Unless the brakes in these packages are physically larger, I believe the 18" wheel is the smallest that will fit since the OEM tire size without either package is what is being used now. My Winters are on 18" wheels but I'm looking at the Platinum.


It looks like tire prices in 21" vs. 20" are about the same. I would avoid the brake upgrades if I can't put a 18" or 19" rim on there for winter tires, even though I like the track pack upgraded brakes and the all-black rims.

typically you want a 1/2 inch or more of clearance between the rotor or caliper body and the rim to ensure clearance in all temps and with some dirt or other build up. If the performance brake package is only offered with 20's at the minimum then I bet an 18 won't provide the right clearance. at 19 however might - if they were common in that width/size.

Example my daily driver won't take anything smaller than a 19 because of the front calipers. I can put some, but not all 18's on there if the spokes are curved or thin enough and the rim is completely smooth - if you were to put stick on interior wheel weights in side the rim they would rub and come off.

The car was only offered with 19's - other than the base model car that came with 18's because it didn't come with the high spec brakes. Until you can get on a car - or someone does - and measures the rotor and caliper cleanance circle we won't know for sure.

I wasn't aware that there was a 19" option on any of the Explorers. The XLT standard was 245/60R18, the same as the Base according to the brochure I have. The 18" Winter wheels that I use have external wheel weights. Previously I had them on the 2014 MKT and now on my 2017 Platinum.


I wasn't aware that there was a 19" option on any of the Explorers. The XLT standard was 245/60R18, the same as the Base according to the brochure I have. The 18" Winter wheels that I use have external wheel weights. Previously I had them on the 2014 MKT and now on my 2017 Platinum.


I dont think his daily driver is an explorer.

It looks like tire prices in 21" vs. 20" are about the same.

What's the ballpark difference on the cost of tire replacement between 20" and 21" wheels?

I dont think his daily driver is an explorer.

correct I was using that as an example - it's g8 GXP

My point was until we know the measurements on a new explorer with the new brake kit - it's just a guess what's going to clear it out

So I am pretty positive I know the difference now between Street Pack and Track Pack. When looking at the 2020 Explorer Packaging Guide.

It states:

Street Pack = 21" Aluminum Wheels and Red Painted Heavy Duty Brake Calipers

Track Pack = 21" Aluminum Wheels, High Performance brake pads (dealer installed) and Red Painted Heavy Duty Brake Calipers.

So it seems the Street Pack comes with the Standard Pads that the Explorers all have with upgraded Calipers. The Track Pack gives you upgraded Brake Pads with the same Upgraded Calipers the Street Pack has. That's why the dealer is doing installs.. they are just swapping the brake pads with the upgraded ones.

I'm glad I changed to the Track Pack as I'd want the full upgraded package, not just calipers.


  • 2020 Explorer Packaging Guide.pdf
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So I am pretty positive I know the difference now between Street Pack and Track Pack. When looking at the 2020 Explorer Packaging Guide.

It states:

Street Pack = 21" Aluminum Wheels and Red Painted Heavy Duty Brake Calipers

Track Pack = 21" Aluminum Wheels, High Performance brake pads (dealer installed) and Red Painted Heavy Duty Brake Calipers.

So it seems the Street Pack comes with the Standard pads that the Explorers all have with upgraded Calipers. The Track Pack gives you upgraded Brake Pads with the same Upgraded Calipers the Street Pack has. That's why the dealer is doing installs.. they are just swapping the brake pads with the upgraded ones.

I'm glad I changed to the Track Pack as I'd want the full upgraded package, not just calipers.

I agree with you. If you are going all in ST, why not get bigger brake pads that can stop in a shorter distance. No wonder all the police vehicles ordered will come with them.

So I am pretty positive I know the difference now between Street Pack and Track Pack. When looking at the 2020 Explorer Packaging Guide.

It states:

Street Pack = 21" Aluminum Wheels and Red Painted Heavy Duty Brake Calipers

Track Pack = 21" Aluminum Wheels, High Performance brake pads (dealer installed) and Red Painted Heavy Duty Brake Calipers.

So it seems the Street Pack comes with the Standard Pads that the Explorers all have with upgraded Calipers. The Track Pack gives you upgraded Brake Pads with the same Upgraded Calipers the Street Pack has. That's why the dealer is doing installs.. they are just swapping the brake pads with the upgraded ones.

I'm glad I changed to the Track Pack as I'd want the full upgraded package, not just calipers.
For a $600 difference it had better be more than just pads. I would think it is pads and rotors at the minimum.

With all the talk about bigger, better brakes to shorten stopping distances, there is one really important item that seems to be overlooked. TIRES. It is the tires that will determine how quickly you will come to a stop. If the tires are unable to transform the stopping power of the brakes by getting a good grip on the road, it doesn't much matter.


With all the talk about bigger, better brakes to shorten stopping distances, there is one really important item that seems to be overlooked. TIRES. It is the tires that will determine how quickly you will come to a stop. If the tires are unable to transform the stopping power of the brakes by getting a good grip on the road, it doesn't much matter.


I'll take great brakes with **** tires over great tires with **** brakes lol

I am willing to bet the 21s are good tires.

Yeah I can trade tire compounds easier than i can drop new larger stronger calipers on all 4 corners, with bigger frisbee's of metal on all 4 corners.

So do we know the size of the rotors on this yet? I hear some grumbling that the explorer will end up with mustang brake parts and potentially larger front rotors.

might be interesting.

Oh and peter on the tire thing - while you are correct it is often a design desire for the stock base brake kit to lock up the wheels with ABS deactivated. The biggest point to the larger brakes - is repeatability. it's one thing you haul the car down from 80-0 once, it's another to do it 3 times in 2 minutes.

.................... The biggest point to the larger brakes - is repeatability. it's one thing you haul the car down from 80-0 once, it's another to do it 3 times in 2 minutes.
Understood, but in over 55 years of driving, I've never had to do that once, let alone multiple times in a few minutes. Never had any stopping issues with any of the 18 vehicles I've owned over that period of time.


Understood, but in over 55 years of driving, I've never had to do that once, let alone multiple times in a few minutes. Never had any stopping issues with any of the 18 vehicles I've owned over that period of time.


4,000 miles a year doesn't count.. lol, sorry, had to.:snicker:

I'll take great brakes with **** tires over great tires with **** brakes lol

I am willing to bet the 21s are good tires.
I'd be very interested to see what the difference would be given the two senarios. I posted a link to an article in another thread so to hopefully keep this thread on topic.
OEM Or Aftermarket Brakes?


I'd want the Street Pack brakes with the XLT/base wheels and tires. No way am I driving around Southeast Michigan winter/spring with low profile tires on a SUV. That's just asking for sidewall punctures.

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If you get a separate set of wheels and dedicated Winter tires like many here have done, then there shouldn't be any concerns. Also, the base wheels/tires on the XLT are 18" and may not fit with the performance brakes included with the package.

