How to: 3rd Gen BODY LIFT. Install. | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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by the way I have the 2" reciever and I just trimmed with a jigsaw the lower curved rim of the bumper (bumper is attatched to body not frame or reciever) and then it cleared the reciever as I raised it.

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by the way I have the 2" reciever and I just trimmed with a jigsaw the lower curved rim of the bumper (bumper is attatched to body not frame or reciever) and then it cleared the reciever as I raised it.

WOW i never thought to ask you this. lol luckly you were on to read this. THANKS ALOT MAN:thumbsup:

can you notice the trim just by looking at it

WOW i never thought to ask you this. lol luckly you were on to read this. THANKS ALOT MAN:thumbsup:

can you notice the trim just by looking at it

Mine was already screwed up from the exhaust melting it but if you have a steady hand and draw it out first you would not be able to tell, sand the edge a lil after also to smooth it out from the cut.
So no you woldnt tell, I think it would look great, just take your time you only have 1 shot.

Mine was already screwed up from the exhaust melting it but if you have a steady hand and draw it out first you would not be able to tell, sand the edge a lil after also to smooth it out from the cut.
So no you woldnt tell, I think it would look great, just take your time you only have 1 shot.

cool thanks:thumbsup:

will the back bumper support a person standing on it, since the metal bumper used to be the support and now its lower?



cool thanks:thumbsup:

will the back bumper support a person standing on it, since the metal bumper used to be the support and now its lower?



It supports me and I'm 170. I wouldnt jump on it though.
I want to get thick foam blocks (thats what goes in between the bumper and reciever from factory) that I can cut to the new size and mount in there to support weight better and just remove the smaller original ones.

I was looking at some old pics of mine, heres this one it was my senior picture LOL it just had to be with my X


I was looking at some old pics of mine, heres this one it was my senior picture LOL it just had to be with my X


Senior, lol - you are but a baby!

Ex sure looks better now ;)

Good luck tomorrow.

well i got four of those pucks off myself (front four), THOSE DAMN THINGS ARE A PAIN, but i already knew that was going to be the case lol

just waiting on my neighbor to come out and help with the rest.

im using a pipe wrench, it seems to do the trick pretty good.

Hey RB i got the fan thingy out you mentioned to measure 3in down than maintain that all the way up to the side right?

Yup, pretty much, just remember you only need to make it longer... not wider, so start 3" down in the center at the bottom, then follow the contour till you can go straight up on the sites. :thumbsup:

im pretty sure i asked this before, but i seem to forgot the answer.

Were should i jack the body up at?
AND did your guys front bumper brackets have two welded in bolts cause mine only has one?


Yup, mine did...
I just jacked right in the center on each side, one side at a time.
I used some lumber to get up high enough.

Yeah, I don't see why you couldn't.

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well i got good news and wwell bad ones too. Not done still got fan, put back seats, rear bumper and check the whole thing out.

I also see that my right front brake line is very stressed, looks great lets just hope it ill work great LOL

I got lots of pics will post them when im all finished, Proly sunday (i got to work tomarrow)
