Show your 1st gen flex | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Show your 1st gen flex

Went and played in the dunes today. Didn't have a camera but snapped these with my cell phone. Not the best quality but at least it's something!:D



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Jman already posted a couple of pics of this truck, but here are a couple more from when I owned it...

It did pretty well for all home built with regular coil springs and no real lift.





Sorry if this is hijacking but...

Make that 4... Can't forget Paul's. 22" of usable 4x4 travel. It might be too late for the "jack and 4x4 piece of wood" pic though... :)

...and yes, that's me driving.







What is the deal with this bumper? Looks like a Warn! Where can I get one?

What is the deal with this bumper? Looks like a Warn! Where can I get one?

There was a very limited run of those and they are long gone.

Shucks!!! When did they stop producing this?

Check out the flex on this heep :p:


Aw... went up to far. What a shame...


MoabB2 how are those CAGE arms working out for you. I have thought about using them when I do the SAS on my Ranger.......

MoabB2 how are those CAGE arms working out for you. I have thought about using them when I do the SAS on my Ranger.......

No complaints so far. I would highly recommend them, they flex great. Cage Arms

...Do you have any links to the info on the CAGE arms???...:popcorn:

Thanks to Mr. Izwack.. I have a pick of the rear flex on the X (from truckhaven 2008)



^^^^ OOPS!!! Burns, ABORT ABORT! LOL

Hows the EX doing?

The Explorer is doing pretty good. I decided to go green lol

I have really had no major problems with it since the sas. Put over 40000 on my sas to date. Put around 24-25000 last year. lol

...Hey Burns..:shifty_ey ...You know this is a TTB thread...:p:

getting a free 92 ex ......with cracked heads, I'll get some flex shots when it is in my driveway!

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how? You gonna jack one wheel up?
