I'll be moving up!!! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'll be moving up!!!

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undercarriage is blacked out in front... the rear is not. just curious.

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I think he's talking about the shadow?

#34, that's a shadow??

So he liked uncle Dan's wheels better eh?:D

I give! Are those two diff vehicles??

Nice vehicle Bryan! Excellence...

Looks good, but is the rear bumper bent down? Loosen the four bolts and level it out some.

This story continues--

Bryan has joined the Army, and decided to give this Mountaineer to his brother Matt.
Matt and I got this far today --all the front lift brackets axcept the torsion bar brackets have been removed

Yes, Matt had decided he doesn't want a lifted truck, as he will be commuting to school.
I have to find the stock steering rack bolts


and here is a box of lift kit drop brackets

