Jon And Sheri's Vitamin D Wagon | Page 49 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jon And Sheri's Vitamin D Wagon

As she sits now,





But it didn't start out like this.

We returned from our trip to Colorado Sept 2009 to find this waiting in the yard.

It needs a few little sumthuns--but it is a great start I do think.
Here is where we begin to take over the work started by trukmajik and dejello










updated pics ^^^^^how it was when I got it

Now here is how it looks as of 4-1-2010

got the wheels all shiny!








and as of 8-5-2010


with swaybar^^^

without sway bar



revised shock towers and more flex-Big thanks to Dkchrist for coming over to weld em in. I owe him big time!!



With a top




LED rock lights


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Wow! Really cool design for that back bumper/spare carrier. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get all the hardware for it?

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Wow! Really cool design for that back bumper/spare carrier. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get all the hardware for it?

I got the bike shock off ebay for 14.00. They come in various weight springs.
I figured if they can hold a grown man up on a full suspension bike, and take that pounding, it should be good enough for occasional use and easily handle the weight of a tire. Just a lucky guess. I have been obsessing over this for about 2 years now, so it feels good to see it actually work.

I have no drafting skills so this was all from my head. with a good fab guy and some tweaking this could be a back saver I think.

Now i have to figure out how to attach the spare tire winch to the back of the elbow, assemble it and send the whole thing off to powdercoat.

Jon, what was the cord measurement (point of maximum arc to the ground) of the stock leaf springs when you had them sitting upside down on the floor?

(you're still 30 pages behind IZwack)

Jon, what was the cord measurement (point of maximum arc to the ground) of the stock leaf springs when you had them sitting upside down on the floor?

(you're still 30 pages behind IZwack)

That's because we have no bunnies in this thread.

I didn't measure the arc height-sorry. I have a feeling thay will be out again though so I will be sure to measure then.

As far as lighting the license plate, how about these?
LED license plate bolts.

Nice Job:thumbsup:

I just added another Nice Job with two :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

At full droop does the part that hinges down stops at horizontal?
If not a limiting strap could be used or even cooler, a bump stop to go with that cool coilover.

Now i have to figure out how to attach the spare tire winch to the back of the elbow, assemble it and send the whole thing off to powdercoat.

Like PaulB?


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Yeah--well, Paul and Winter are just showing off.:D

Theirs is way better than mine, but I reckon theirs will be used under way more stress, and more often than mine. I'm just going to mount a stock Explorer winch. It has a 1/4" cable and should pull the tire up just fine.

I like Ricks limit strap idea.

That's because we have no bunnies in this thread.

I didn't measure the arc height-sorry. I have a feeling thay will be out again though so I will be sure to measure then.

As far as lighting the license plate, how about these?
LED license plate bolts.

I have used the LED bolts. I think your better off going with a conventional bulb. The LED bolts really do not light up the tag like conventional do.

Dorman - Universal License Plate Lamp
Part Number: 85808
$6.69 at O'reilly

final little doodads for the bumper

I am making a frame with a base to set an ammo box, gas can, whatever, into.

The tire will just clear.


Also got the bumper ends capped



hmmm how thick are those end plates?

There it is - thats the GHB right there!!!
Those corners are just asking for some weld beads!!

There it is - thats the GHB right there!!!
Those corners are just asking for some weld beads!!

The bumper has to come off because I can only weld good from right to left. Something goes wrong when I try to weld downhill.

The bumper has to come off because I can only weld good from right to left. Something goes wrong when I try to weld downhill.

I've always been taught weld uphill. You get good penetration that way.. Downhill doesn't give you the penetration.. Something about the heat of the metal.


I've always been taught weld uphill. You get good penetration that way.. Downhill doesn't give you the penetration.. Something about the heat of the metal.
Its cauz of the speed - downhill goes a lot faster. But I think I'd weld downhill in this situation cauz its just the edge and the material is only 1/8" so less chance of burning through (its a corner weld after all). Since downhill is faster, there's also less consumable being deposited which means the weld is flatter, and looks a little better.

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