35" Tracs | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I can't wait to fix my CV issues.

My brother in law ran the surplus 37" Wranglers on his Jeep but didn't like them offroad. He liked them for street use though because he didn't have to worry about running down expensive tires on his daily driver.

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There's a member over on the JK forum that has 37x12.50x16.5 SS TSL Radials, and several sets of 36x12.50x16.5 TSL SX bias from the military. I'm going to pick up a set of the 36's from him hopefully sooner then later.

Thought I might bring this thread back from the grave and see if there's anyone else out there.


Sorry Patrick I can't go down to 35's from 37's. When are you going to get a set of 36's or 37's ?


I'm hoping to join the 35 club once I get back to the states. I know this is an old thread but this was just the thread I was looking for. When I get back I want to add a 2" TT , 3" AAL , and 1.5" Wheel Spacers. And slap on some 315/75/16 Dunlop Fierce Attitudes. It's going to be a couple months before I get back to the states. But once she's finished I'll definitely put up some pictures for y'all. But in the meantime buying truck parts is as close as I can get.. haha

I'm hoping to join the 35 club once I get back to the states. I know this is an old thread but this was just the thread I was looking for. When I get back I want to add a 2" TT , 3" AAL , and 1.5" Wheel Spacers. And slap on some 315/75/16 Dunlop Fierce Attitudes. It's going to be a couple months before I get back to the states. But once she's finished I'll definitely put up some pictures for y'all. But in the meantime buying truck parts is as close as I can get.. haha

Great to hear! Do you already have a body lift? If not then you'll need that as well in order to fit 35s.

I currently have the PA 3" lift installed. With the setup I mentioned in my last post, do you think I'll run into any issues ?

The spacers will make you have to trim more. And more stress on the front end components. I would suggest not using them up front.

So if I don't put on the spacers, would I still have to trim or would they fit ? I'm trying to avoid trimming as much as possible.

You'll need to trim but honestly no one will be able to tell except you. And spacers mean you would need to trim more than without spacers.

Ok. Great I really appreciate the advice bud. I can't wait to get back and start getting my hands dirty ! I'll post pictures around April. Hopefully I'll be back in the states by then. :usa:

Great to hear!!

So I got to reading up on another thread he posted into this one on his installation of tires. And said the front tires stuck out more than the rear. So in that case would it be safe to throw the spacers in the rear ?

I'd say that's okay. Some people are completely against them but the solid 8.8 is strong enough. I ran 1.25" on the rear for a while before I did the SAS. Now the rear has a 2" adapter to correct my bolt pattern.

Cool I'm glad to hear that it should hold up to the weight. I just want everything to look the same once I'm finished. Also I have one more question in my head. If a wheel has -6 offset, and I put the spacers in the rear. Would that make them that more noticeably stanced then the front ?Sorry for all the questions, this is just going to be template I run off of when I get back. Hopefully most of my questions will be answered. I appreciate your time and patience !

If all 4 wheels are the same the stance will only change by the width of your spacers. I can't remember the track width difference but you can google it and find it on fleet.ford or even edmunds or something.

Alright sounds good bubba. I appreciate the help with all my questions. If I have any more questions I'll be sure to ask !

I did happen to run into another question. I'm having trouble finding a site that sells spacers for our trucks. Mines a 02. I checked summit and put in by make an model but nothing came out of it. If you happen to know any places I appreciate the help !!

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I did happen to run into another question. I'm having trouble finding a site that sells spacers for our trucks. Mines a 02. I checked summit and put in by make an model but nothing came out of it. If you happen to know any places I appreciate the help !!

Look on eBay.
