Taxxman's SAS | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Taxxman's SAS

Well since everyone and their brother is starting an SAS thread I thought I would start one for mine.

According to the Fed Ex tracking number the Scout steering box is sitting at my house waiting for me to get home tonight. My 44 is sitting at a shipping dock waiting for me to drag the trailer over there tomorrow to pic it up. I'll get some pics tomorrow or Wednesday.

I am putting a Dana 44 from a 76 bronco under the front of my truck. It will be coil sprung and steered by a scout steering box.

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hey TAX, how long and wide are the 250 shock mounts?

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Originally posted by jeffseal
hey TAX, how long and wide are the 250 shock mounts?

I shall measure for you today!:D

It has begun!


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Looks like a good start Dave. How long are you expecting it to be down?

Originally posted by JoshC
Looks like a good start Dave. How long are you expecting it to be down?

No one knows. Maybe a month to two months.

Got the 44 all torn apart today and I think I have everything shimmed right for the new gears now. big friggin job. Don't think I will be doing my 8.8. Tore up the pinion nut, gotta get a replacement this week so I can finalize the gears. Then get her back together and whels on so I can decide on spring bucket placement. Ohhhh once it is back together the job should go pretty good. But gears are a major pain in the arse.

Progress Update:

Gave up trying to do gears myself after stripping out the pinion nut. taking it to get done this week.

Mounted rear wheel adapters and wheels. Compressed springs under weight of truck to get measurement for mounting. Started building wristed radius arm. and Cleaned up some tools:D . Really didn't do too much. Haven't started cutting yet I seem to be having difficulty with my cutoff torch, think I need a different tip.

Woo Hoo! Back in action again. Did some serious work today on the SAS. Should be back on all four feet in no time... Enjoy todays pics! Got the axle back together including a lunchbox locker (not in pic).

4.88s installed..


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wheels on for sh!ts and grins....:D


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todays mess....


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re-inforcement for wristing...


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last one brackets for shock and upper arms removed! no turning back now!


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More fun pics.... Did some more work this evening, got my coil buckets all cleaned up and ready for mounting, got everything cut from the pass side and removed the good old crossmember!

pass side:


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The infamous (that means more than famous :)) front crossmember! Yup thats it sitting in a pile of all my power steering fluid!


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BTW you can notice looking at that pic that I torched on the pass side, but used the sawzaw on the drivers side. I am not brave enough (or stupid enough, one of the two) to use the torch near the fuel lines on the drivers side.

Now the fun stuff begins Dave. Looking forward for the shot of the axle under the truck. Before you know it you'll be flexing that baby!

Dave, that passenger side of the engine makes me want to get a tetnis shot! :eek:

Originally posted by Johnstone
Dave, that passenger side of the engine makes me want to get a tetnis shot! :eek:

lol... thats all that good old salt we get on the roads up here in the winter. Sad thing is I just painted that all black last fall.

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It has feet!:D


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