1992 Mazda Navajo yet again being reborn | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1992 Mazda Navajo yet again being reborn


I anit done a damn thing since you saw it last... I been so damn busy at work. Tomorrow is my day off so I will start putting my Rear end back in place.

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Kris Guilbeaux said:

I anit done a damn thing since you saw it last... I been so damn busy at work. Tomorrow is my day off so I will start putting my Rear end back in place.

I know the feeling. Trust me. I don't even know how long it has been since I touched mine... :(

Kris Guilbeaux said:

I anit done a damn thing since you saw it last... I been so damn busy at work. Tomorrow is my day off so I will start putting my Rear end back in place.

Mudd***** said:
I know the feeling. Trust me. I don't even know how long it has been since I touched mine... :(

*class bell rings*

*SVO darts into the class room tardy*

OK!, ok, ok I'm here! Sorry I'm late, my dog ate my home work! :p

Kris it was really good to talk to you on the phone the other day, it's been a while, nice to talk with you to Randle, there again it's also been a while.

Kris if that thing didn't look kickass before now it looks even better, damn it that rig is sweet! :eek:

Great work sir and yes please keep us updated with the info and pics, as a matter of fact I just got through locking up the rear of mine for the second time, last friday, the periods of getting around to working on our own junk seems like forever sometimes. :rolleyes:

P.S. you'll get a call from me soon about the Navajo wheels we talked about on the phone, again thanx ;)

Jeff - :navajo:


Sorry for no updates on this.. I ran in to an Unexpected Problem with the alignement on my axle. So the Solution was different Drop brackets. And forget the junk ones that come in the kits so I got a 4" skyjacker ones and had a custom driver side axle pivot made out of one that would handle what I was going to put it thought... Yeah it weights 26 lbs. think will be strong?


Also had a problem with my 8.8 with the 4.56s and ARB.. The Carrier pin bolt was broken inside the carrier Pin. Yeah so that had to drilled out.. :rolleyes:



But its moving along. Hopefully january..

Geesh, sounds like one of my projects...always takes twice as much $$$ and 4 times as long as it would on any other truck.

that bracket = beefy!

Not much New Just thought I would throw up a picture as she sits right now.


The Wheels and Tires came in.. YAY



Hot damn thats sexy! Do they rub? Looks too close for comfort!

Hmmmm, I'll be in Victoria on Tuesday...maybe I can come by and see it. Make SVO jealous. :p Yeah, need to check on some wheels as well. ;)

Beautiful Ex man, very nice....

Some plastic will have to be Trimmed From what I can Tell. I will not trim the Metal though.

Stang girl.. Go a Head and stop by.. I dont mind SVO Jealous..

They are American Eagal Wheels 17x8 with 315/70 17 BFG ATs

96limitedX said:
OMG thats so sexy!!! what wheels are those? size..ect i love them!!

Will it ever see the outside again?

For the past three years it's been in the garage, driveway, shop, than it has taken on miles.

Kris quit revising it and drive that damn thing. ;)

Jeff - :navajo:

Man, that is some shiny paint. You must have gone all out for the paint job. Definitly not the Maaco special. Looks real good, cant wait to see it finished.
-Nick Good

It needs a sunroof, LOL.

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Very nice navajo. It is coming along nicely.

Also, nice mountaineer. It is identical to the one my dad owns.
