1994 Explorer Limited- yes I bought another one... | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1994 Explorer Limited- yes I bought another one...

Has the bronco 2 found a new home yet?

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I'm in southern Oregon also and have been looking for Ranger brakes and knuckles for awhile. If I find the motherload I'll let you know.

I'm in southern Oregon also and have been looking for Ranger brakes and knuckles for awhile. If I find the motherboard I'll let you know.
The last set I bought I had to have shipped.

Good to see you still have it, and it has a good home. Mine hasn't changed much. More rust maybe!

I got so many projects just waiting for me to have my own shop. This is one of several that need cancer treatment. This photo is several years old. At the moment, the drivers side running board is ready to come off and ill probably be removing it. The rear bumper mounts are gone. The back bumper flexes under my weight. Amazingly the frame and body are fairly solid structurally. The floors are good, the inner body is decent. Its about average for a vehicle native to this area ( northern KY) and its age. Its worth fixing , but i just need the space to tear it apart.

Right now I've got 4 other restoration projects going, so my stuff just will need to wait. One day ill get this one on the rotisserie.


This Limited is rust free, but has faded paint/clear coat. The Parts Explorer I have is also rust free.

This Limited is rust free, but has faded paint/clear coat. The Parts Explorer I have is also rust free.
That's the advantage to living where you do. I bought a parts vehicle that lived in new Mexico its entire life. It made its way the KY and a year later puked that trans. I bought it and was super excited to see such a clean truck. It still had the factory exhaust and paint marks from the factory on the underside. I even found the VIN stamped in the frame. It looked about 2 years old underneath. Its on it's way to becoming a JP tribute vehicle soon.

I bought a 92 sport about 12 years ago that lived it's entire existence up to that point in Arizona. Its absolutely rust free as well. Just needs painted. Many a restoration shop sources parts from your part of the world, myself included. We bought some fenders for a 51 Buick project from a junkyard in Oklahoma. Its actually my mom's car. The west is a great source of good sheet metal for us in the rust belt.
