All Ford Nats/ Carlisle PA: June 2-4, 2006 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nats/ Carlisle PA: June 2-4, 2006

Post number 135 has been selected as best answered.


Explorer addict
Elite Explorer
August 27, 2001
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Down by da river, hon
City, State
North East, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport
Once upon a time I actually thought this might get old, yet surprisingly it never does :D This is year #5 for the annual All Ford Nationals! (Rookieshooter actually beat me to posting it first this year, haha)

Everyone's been through the drill so I hope you know the routine by now... You've got 6 months to modify your Explorer/Navajo/Ranger/BII/Ford-in-general to compete in the fun field at the biggest Ford event in the MidAtlantic and New England ;) Which means I also need a head count on who's planning on being there so I know how many hotel rooms to reserve. Newbies can read up on last year's 2005 Carlisle weekend or do a search for "Carlisle 2002, 2003" or "2004" to see all the trucks that showed up and figure out directions as well as get a feel for the general air of craziness that we submit ourselves to every summer :D

This year I'm suggesting a different type of weekend however; Since the Serious Explorations 10th anniversary run (to Crozet, VA) is only weeks after the AFN's, I don't think it's such a good idea to risk breakage by having our usual 'Show-saturday, wheel-Sunday' deal. It just screams bad idea to me. However, if y'all decide that you MUST go wheeling and you want to take the chance, here's the place to post about it so we can set up a game plan. I personally would only ride along since I really want Shelby to participate in the 10th anniversary run in one piece (more or less). Instead, I suggest we make Carlisle a two day event for saturday the 3rd and sunday the 4th. If anyone wants to get up there Friday night like we've been doing, say so and I'll account for it with an extra night at the hotel.

This is a family event (except for the partying in the hotel rooms at night ;))- although it sometimes rains we always have a blast and end up laughing about it for months. If you've never been before, you should definitely try!

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Oh yeah, forgot to mention that we've had THREE Explorers place in the judging: Chris and Skunk, Karol and last year Adam got the honors ;)

I will be there this year,, not going to miss this year again!!!!!!!! i wanna meet you all, and see what the show is about, i will be booking a hotel as we'll!!!!!!! glad to see this posting up because it means spring is not to far off!!lol

Will be there with Marsh :D

We're going Thursday night through Sunday...staying at the Mechanicsburg (Harrisburg West) Homewood Suites.

I am in.
Zorro too :)

i will do my best to be there but i am not sure since my wedding is 2 weeks after i might be a little too bussy

im down, maybe ill be SAS'ed by then, if i can locate all the parts. :D Linds, bring the fishtank up here and well have a twofer. (SAS, that is.)

sn0border88 said:
im down, maybe ill be SAS'ed by then, if i can locate all the parts. :D Linds, bring the fishtank up here and well have a twofer. (SAS, that is.)

Ohhhh, no- I gypped Blackjack out of the very show that I built his @$$ up for last year, I won't do it to him again :eek: Besides, I'm still after that elusive 3rd place spot and I doubt the great red and silver dent-bucket would get it :D

So start working NOW for a target finnish date in May.

Also every one, pray it doesnt rain this year :(

Ditto about the rain. Lindsy, Jack needs to be done May 1st. They changed the date for AFN ;)

IAmTodd said:
Ditto about the rain. Lindsy, Jack needs to be done May 1st. They changed the date for AFN ;)

Huh? Don't mess with my head like that, punkarse :p I actually went to the Carlisle site thinking you were serious, haha.

i'm there, in Ninja...hopefully i'll be locked by then...and b-day is on the 5th so this weekend is gonna be off the hook
aka i want to see how many bottles of jack we can finish off as a group

I mess with you! he he eh, definetly gonna have to party hard this year, you see todd a liittkle woozy! :D

hmmm... 'to carlisle or not to carlisle?' that is the question

LMAO, I remember diggin them up a while back....

I personally think the first one is the one we should get.

maybe we should get a poll going for that one :D :p :D :p

Skunk said:
LMAO, I remember diggin them up a while back....

I personally think the first one is the one we should get.

maybe we should get a poll going for that one :D :p :D :p

I'm thinking we need to get a lizard pinata... :fire:

You better bring the original Skunk down for this one too, slapnuts- you've missed two years in a row now!! SUH-LAAACKER :D

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all depends on NEUROC dates, cause if I can get the tracker in, I want to compete this year.
