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2016-18 Police Utility Forscan Settings

Manual one.
I don't know about the 6th gen PIU but I believe on the 5th gen you had something like 40 seconds to open the liftgate from the time you pressed the button on the dash. Otherwise it would lock itself again.


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I don't know about the 6th gen PIU but I believe on the 5th gen you had something like 40 seconds to open the liftgate from the time you pressed the button on the dash. Otherwise it would lock itself again.

I found out that if i push the blue (trunk) button on remote and immediately push the button on the hatch, it pops open. I was wondering if this can be disabled with Forscan?

I found out that if i push the blue (trunk) button on remote and immediately push the button on the hatch, it pops open. I was wondering if this can be disabled with Forscan?
That I can't answer. I'm not a FORScan user. I lease my vehicles.


I found out that if i push the blue (trunk) button on remote and immediately push the button on the hatch, it pops open. I was wondering if this can be disabled with Forscan?
If memory serves, your options via Forscan are the rear door being "unlocked" with all the other doors, or separately with the blue button on the fob...

If memory serves, your options via Forscan are the rear door being "unlocked" with all the other doors, or separately with the blue button on the fob...
only options i found are disabled and enabled.

"Police Rear Door Config" in BCM? Or maybe Liftgate Police Door??

I found out that if i push the blue (trunk) button on remote and immediately push the button on the hatch, it pops open. I was wondering if this can be disabled with Forscan?
Yes you should be able to switch it to unlocking with all door but the switch that gives you 45 secs gets disabled

Hey all, this thread looks promising. I have the auto lamp switch like others here but I'm not interested in the sensor, I bought it for the OEM fog button. As of now, the new switch module does not work properly. The "fog" button turns on the ambient light and the "ambient light" button does nothing. Do I need to program the BCM on the new switch module? I already activated the fog circuit with Forscan.

Hey all, this thread looks promising. I have the auto lamp switch like others here but I'm not interested in the sensor, I bought it for the OEM fog button. As of now, the new switch module does not work properly. The "fog" button turns on the ambient light and the "ambient light" button does nothing. Do I need to program the BCM on the new switch module? I already activated the fog circuit with Forscan.

Sorry to bug but I've been trying to find the original number code before I activated the auxiliary line. I have a 2017 PIU that had SYNC 3. Since I had the auxiliary line I figured I'd activate it. I purchased the OBD II link and downloaded Forscan and changed the as built code in FCDIM 7A5-01-01 to 0001 1000 20DF. I saved the as built, but I can't seem to pull it from Forscan or my computer. By doing the changed my system noted inline activated. However, with the change I lost my Sync functions. i.e. Syncing my phone to use the phone feature as well as playing apps off my phone, etc. Since I can't pull up the original number would anyone out here happen to have the number who has a 2017 PIU with Sync 3 so I can try and get it back to the original way. Please, no comments on my stupidity for not writing the number down before I made the change. Was thinking of going to the dealership but don't know if they could get back my Sync. Any help is greatly appreciated.

I don't know if the dealership would help in this case as it would be considered as you having made an unauthorized modification to the OEM system. I think your best bet would be hoping a member here has the answer you are looking for. Good luck.


That's what I was hoping. Or find someone with an Explorer that would let me look at their configuration.

wow, "no comments on my stupidity please", genz much? go get your as built data from the ford site using your vin and find the code line for 7A5-01-01 in note pad or something, than manually overwrite your changes the same way you made them or i think forscan can now pull that info too.


I was able to find a value that was meant to enable Sirius radio that worked. Not only did I get my Sync back but it also enabled my auxiliary plug. I got lucky.

The new value for FCDIM 7A5-01-01 is 2021-1000-00FF. Thanks to those who chimed in. Hopefully this will help someone who already has Sync and wants to enable a factory installed auxiliary plug.

I am working on updating my spreadsheet, thanks for contributing to this thread.

FORScan Ford Explorer 11-20MY

Hi @PlatinumOwner, I have used your sheet for reference for a bit now that I own a 2016 FPIU and went to reference it to enable IPC option to turn off TC for this winter (snow/ice) and found a no longer valid link. Any chance you would be willing to share again?

Hi @PlatinumOwner, I have used your sheet for reference for a bit now that I own a 2016 FPIU and went to reference it to enable IPC option to turn off TC for this winter (snow/ice) and found a no longer valid link. Any chance you would be willing to share again?
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It seems that turning TC OFF would be counterproductive in most winter driving. If and when you need to do so, you can do it manually.


Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
It seems that turning TC OFF would be counterproductive in most winter driving. If and when you need to do so, you can do it manually.

Hi Peter,

Thank you for your reply, if you're stuck in snow and Ice, you have to turn it off to get out sometimes. As a EVOC-II driver, I understand normal vs extreme conditions.

As for manual, the IPC has an option to turn it off or on by selectability and it's visibility in the IPC menu is able to be turned on via forscan. This is why I am looking for this spreadsheet access again, which I directed my question towards specifically.


I was aware of the snow issue and that is why I mentioned "when you need to do so".
Hopefully, PlatinumOwner will see this and respond with the info you seek.
Good luck.


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It depends, for "Civilian market" I memorized the cheat code Left, Up, Up, Ok, Ok, Right, Down, Down Ok. I turn it off but if you slide hard enough it will turn it back on. Once I got lazy and put into sand since it kills TC at a turn of a knob, second you have fun it kills sand and goes back to normal mode. I only turn it off if a am really stuck in deep snow as when you go straight at speed with it off the system will ignore you plowing a corner. It reacts too late to turn it back on by the time you spin out on the freeway. One thing I will also do is turn it off if i have to make a turn, left on if you slip the very slightest or a right turn it kills power and you are dead in the water with traffic trying to crawl to a halt to avoid you.
