2011-2015 Police Utility Forscan Settings | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2011-2015 Police Utility Forscan Settings


Police Explorer for sale....needs paint
November 5, 2017
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City, State
Glen Ellyn , IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 PIU 3.7L
Updated 01/10/18
I want to put together a master list of all the Forscan Settings that apply to the 2011-2015 Police Utility Model years in one thread. I know we can use the search box but thought this would be easier. As this thread continues I will edit this first thread with any changes and updates that we find. The information used to compile this list comes from the site FORScan 2011-2018 Explorers thanks to Livinitup. I have also added an explanation of the functions.

APIM * Accessory Protocol Interface Module* 7D0
FCIM * Front Controls Interface Module *75A
ABS * Antilock Brake System* 76D
RCM * Restraint Control Module * 737
PSCM * Power Steering Control Modulal*730
ACM * Audio Control Modulal *727
BdyCM *Body Control Module *726
SCCM * Steering Column Control Modular *724
IPC * Instrument Panel Control Module *720
HVAC * Heating Ventilattion Air Conitioning* 733
GPSM *Global Positioning Module *701

2011-2015 Police Utility Settings / Module Address Settings / Notes
1. Police Rear Door Configuration - This setting causes the rear doors to ???????
BCM 726-08-01 xx*x zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
2. Dark Mode - This setting allows the doors to open without turning on the interior lights.
BCM 726-08-01 x..* zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
3. Police Liftgate Unlock - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-08-01 *x.. zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled, functionality untested
4. Police Rear Door - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-08-01 xx*x zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled, functionality untested
5. Courtesy Lamp Dimming - This setting causes the interior lights to fade off.
BCM 726-08-01 x*xx zz 1=Immediate, 2=Theater Dimming
6. Unlock Feedback - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-17-01 x*xx zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
7. Enable Keyless Entry - This setting for using the key fob.
BCM 726-18-01 100 5 zz
7(A). Enable Keyless Entry - This setting for using the key fob.
IPC 720-01-03 808A 000B5 or 00035
8. Locking Light Feedback - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-15-01 x..* zz 0=Disabled (PIU Default), 1=Enabled (Explorer Default)
9. Remote Start Enable Configuration This setting causes the use with remote key fob.
BCM 726-19-01 **** zz 0148=Enabled, 0047=Disabled
10. Instrument Panel Cluster Options - This setting causes ?????
IPC 720-01-03 **** C8 F3=Enabled, F823=Enabled w/climate seats, FC27=Enabled w/climate seats & Heated Steering Wheel
11. Liftgate Smart Unlock - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-16-01 x..* zz 0=Disabled (Default PIU), 1=Enabled (Default Explorer)
12. Perimeter Car Alarm (Disabled on PIUs) - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-20-01 xxxx x*xx zz 0=Disabled (Default PIU), 1=Enabled (Default Explorer)
13. Enable Aux Without Sync & Sirius This setting enables the Aux input to be used.
FCDIM 7A5-01-01 2021 1000 00zz Sirius also requires an ACM w/Sirius radio and a Sirius antenna
14. AWD Gauge & Average Speed/RPM - This setting causes ?????
IPC 720-01-02 *x.. xxxx xxzz 8=Disabled, B=Enabled
15. Compass Display This setting causes the compass display next to the dash odometer.
IPC 720-01-02 xxxx xx*x xxzz 0=Disabled, 6/F=Enabled
2011-2015 Model Year Common Settings
1. Keyfob Car Finder Setting - This setting causes the horn to hook when unlock key fob 2X.
BCM 726-15-01 xxxx x*xx zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled (Default)
2. Concurrent High Beam/Fogs - This setting causes the high beams and fogs to light together.
BCM 726-11-01 x..* xxxx xxzz 1=Disabled (Default), 2=Enabled .
3. Golbal Open/Close (Needs additional wiring) - This setting causes both front windows to lower or raise from remote key fob.
BCM 726-04-01 xxxx x*x* 0=Disabled, 1=Remote, r
4. Tire Size - This setting causes the calibrate the speedometer for different tire sizes.
BCM 726-45-01 xxxx **** xxzz
5. Number of Turn Signal Flashes - This setting changes the number of monetary flashes.
SCCM 724-01-01 xxxx x*xx zz 0-3=1 Flash, 4-5=2 Flashes, 6-7=3 Flashes, 8,9=4 Flashes, A,B=5 Flashes, C,D=6 Flashes, E,F=7 Flashes Airborne_Ape's Find

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Great idea, Trader. I've tested most of these with good results. However, I've tried a few times to set "3. Police Liftgate Unlock" but it doesn't seem to do anything. Has this worked for anyone else? I can't open the liftgate without a key. Also when I activate "15. CompassDisplay" I only see North displayed.

I used "6" for the enable compass and have N, NW,NE,E,W,SE,WE that shows for me. No to be a offended, but have you driven the truck with the compass to check? I did the remote key mode and my liftgate works with and without key. The power lock switch in the doors works my liftgate. My remote unlocks by hitting remote 2x. I checked and my liftgate code is "0" that shows disabled.

I’ve got four 2016 PI Utilities, one without and three with daytime running lights. The officers want the DRL’s disabled and there’s no option in the operator menu options. I’ve been doing some research and figure that I can use my IDS to upload a modified as built file, but don’t have any info on the address and what needs to be changed. In comparing the as built data of all four, and from what I’ve found online, I think I need to change 726-46-02. Do you have any additional info on the DRL addresses and settings?

Updated 01/10/18
I want to put together a master list of all the Forscan Settings that apply to the 2011-2015 Police Utility Model years in one thread. I know we can use the search box but thought this would be easier. As this thread continues I will edit this first thread with any changes and updates that we find. The information used to compile this list comes from the site FORScan 2011-2018 Explorers thanks to Livinitup. I have also added an explanation of the functions.

APIM * Accessory Protocol Interface Module* 7D0
FCIM * Front Controls Interface Module *75A
ABS * Antilock Brake System* 76D
RCM * Restraint Control Module * 737
PSCM * Power Steering Control Modulal*730
ACM * Audio Control Modulal *727
BdyCM *Body Control Module *726
SCCM * Steering Column Control Modular *724
IPC * Instrument Panel Control Module *720
HVAC * Heating Ventilattion Air Conitioning* 733
GPSM *Global Positioning Module *701

2011-2015 Police Utility Settings / Module Address Settings / Notes
1. Police Rear Door Configuration - This setting causes the rear doors to ???????
BCM 726-08-01 xx*x zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
2. Dark Mode - This setting allows the doors to open without turning on the interior lights.
BCM 726-08-01 x..* zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
3. Police Liftgate Unlock - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-08-01 *x.. zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled, functionality untested
4. Police Rear Door - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-08-01 xx*x zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled, functionality untested
5. Courtesy Lamp Dimming - This setting causes the interior lights to fade off.
BCM 726-08-01 x*xx zz 1=Immediate, 2=Theater Dimming
6. Unlock Feedback - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-17-01 x*xx zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled
7. Enable Keyless Entry - This setting for using the key fob.
BCM 726-18-01 100 5 zz
7(A). Enable Keyless Entry - This setting for using the key fob.
IPC 720-01-03 808A 000B5 or 00035
8. Locking Light Feedback - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-15-01 x..* zz 0=Disabled (PIU Default), 1=Enabled (Explorer Default)
9. Remote Start Enable Configuration This setting causes the use with remote key fob.
BCM 726-19-01 **** zz 0148=Enabled, 0047=Disabled
10. Instrument Panel Cluster Options - This setting causes ?????
IPC 720-01-03 **** C8 F3=Enabled, F823=Enabled w/climate seats, FC27=Enabled w/climate seats & Heated Steering Wheel
11. Liftgate Smart Unlock - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-16-01 x..* zz 0=Disabled (Default PIU), 1=Enabled (Default Explorer)
12. Perimeter Car Alarm (Disabled on PIUs) - This setting causes ?????
BCM 726-20-01 xxxx x*xx zz 0=Disabled (Default PIU), 1=Enabled (Default Explorer)
13. Enable Aux Without Sync & Sirius This setting enables the Aux input to be used.
FCDIM 7A5-01-01 2021 1000 00zz Sirius also requires an ACM w/Sirius radio and a Sirius antenna
14. AWD Gauge & Average Speed/RPM - This setting causes ?????
IPC 720-01-02 *x.. xxxx xxzz 8=Disabled, B=Enabled
15. Compass Display This setting causes the compass display next to the dash odometer.
IPC 720-01-02 xxxx xx*x xxzz 0=Disabled, 6/F=Enabled
2011-2015 Model Year Common Settings
1. Keyfob Car Finder Setting - This setting causes the horn to hook when unlock key fob 2X.
BCM 726-15-01 xxxx x*xx zz 0=Disabled, 1=Enabled (Default)
2. Concurrent High Beam/Fogs - This setting causes the high beams and fogs to light together.
BCM 726-11-01 x..* xxxx xxzz 1=Disabled (Default), 2=Enabled .
3. Golbal Open/Close (Needs additional wiring) - This setting causes both front windows to lower or raise from remote key fob.
BCM 726-04-01 xxxx x*x* 0=Disabled, 1=Remote, r
4. Tire Size - This setting causes the calibrate the speedometer for different tire sizes.
BCM 726-45-01 xxxx **** xxzz
5. Number of Turn Signal Flashes - This setting changes the number of monetary flashes.
SCCM 724-01-01 xxxx x*xx zz 0-3=1 Flash, 4-5=2 Flashes, 6-7=3 Flashes, 8,9=4 Flashes, A,B=5 Flashes, C,D=6 Flashes, E,F=7 Flashes Airborne_Ape's Find

My Explorer spreadsheet is based off the F-150 Forum(Livnitup) spreadsheet but also contains settings that are not covered there and specific to our Explorers such as HVAC. Please let me know if you'd like me to add any of this information to it.

FORScan 2011-2018 Explorers

I’ve got four 2016 PI Utilities, one without and three with daytime running lights. The officers want the DRL’s disabled and there’s no option in the operator menu options. I’ve been doing some research and figure that I can use my IDS to upload a modified as built file, but don’t have any info on the address and what needs to be changed. In comparing the as built data of all four, and from what I’ve found online, I think I need to change 726-46-02. Do you have any additional info on the DRL addresses and settings?
Just wanted to say Welcome to the Forum.:wave:


Thanks. I'm really hoping to get some feedback on this before I attempt a reprogram, I'm not too worried about screwing up as I have the PD Chief's permission to experiment and I have a flatbed tow truck for hauling dead vehicles, but I'd like to know how the IDS functions in this regard and how to verify the change if not evident in some functionality changes.

Just wanted to say Welcome to the Forum.:wave:


Ok, I found the address and was able to turn off the DRL's, but as suspected it's throwing a code, B14E5:01-0A (Left Front Enhanced Exterior Lighting System General Electrical Failure). It's a body controller fault but I haven't been able to figure out what needs to change to stop it. Any ideas?

Thanks. I'm really hoping to get some feedback on this before I attempt a reprogram, I'm not too worried about screwing up as I have the PD Chief's permission to experiment and I have a flatbed tow truck for hauling dead vehicles, but I'd like to know how the IDS functions in this regard and how to verify the change if not evident in some functionality changes.

What change did you make? Sounds like it may be a change for an explorer with the upgraded lighting, not the base lighting of the PIU.

If you reverse the change, does the code clear?

This is a PIU with lighting solution lamps (OE strobes and LED low beams). I changed 726-16-02, there has to be a line that changes whether or no it looks for faults, just don't know which.

What change did you make? Sounds like it may be a change for an explorer with the upgraded lighting, not the base lighting of the PIU.

If you reverse the change, does the code clear?

I believe the 726-16-02 line was listed on other sites for F150 and Expedition as changing fixed DRLs to cluster control, but I've also seen 726-11-01 listed as DRL on/off. I think there is a IPC (720) change that has to go along with the BCM (726) change.

I found some changes worked differently on my 17 PIU compared to my 16 PIU. I also have a 2014 Fusion and some of the changes I found online didn't work as others claimed. Not sure if build date/strategy or what other difference causes this. Good luck.

Glad to be talking to someone that's playing with this stuff.

I have four of these things, one without DRL's and three with. I compared the as builts on all of them and am trying different combinations using programming from the one without, but still the code persists. By the way, the code (B14E5:01-0A Left Front Enhanced Exterior Lighting System General Electrical Failure) doesn't turn on the MIL. I have a message into Ford Engineering, hopefully thy'll be able to point me in the right direction, maybe save me some time. I did try programming the BCM with the as built from the one without but that threw stability control system codes, which seems to be 726-46-02. Hummm, maybe I should try the as built from the one without minus the 726-46-02???

I believe the 726-16-02 line was listed on other sites for F150 and Expedition as changing fixed DRLs to cluster control, but I've also seen 726-11-01 listed as DRL on/off. I think there is a IPC (720) change that has to go along with the BCM (726) change.

I found some changes worked differently on my 17 PIU compared to my 16 PIU. I also have a 2014 Fusion and some of the changes I found online didn't work as others claimed. Not sure if build date/strategy or what other difference causes this. Good luck.

I spent some time messing with the asbuiltexplorer program last year and did most of the changes I wanted on my 16 & 17 (dark car/silent mode, RKE, 5 blink signals, belt minder off, AWD gauge, unlock liftgate with doors). I never got a hit on the "perfect bits" for DRL control and never really dug into it. I also haven't seen them posted anywhere online for 16-17 PIUs. Jason seems to have them identified, but I believe you'd have to buy the file from his website.

The only other thing I was interested in that I haven't figured out was activating the horn/light feedback on RKE locking.

Graves, it may be a good idea to disable the DRL's on the 3 in the fleet. SGT has a thread on here about the 16+ PIU's having some clarity issues with the headlamps due to the LED's being on with the DRL's. The civilian models with DRL's have a slight different headlamp assembly. Let me see if I can dig it up.

UPDATE: Here is the link:

16/17 PI Utility DRL Lamp Housing Discoloration

Graves / KayGee, Forscan has been a wonderful tool for me. I was issued my 17' PIU in November 2016 and have done the following thanks to Forscan.

-Modify stock PIU 4.2" display with Sync up to 8" MFT Sync system (Parts out of a 16' Explorer Limited)

-Add HD radio (out of a 15' Taurus)

-Just a few weeks ago, I added a media hub out of an 15' Explorer XLT (dual USB, SD card, and 3.5mm jack). This plus an Ford maps SD card allowed me to turn the factory GPS navigation back on.

-Unlock liftgate with doors (great mod!)

-Horn / light feedback when locking doors with fob (great mod!)

One of my guys was just issued his 17' and I did the liftgate mod for him. I also went in to do the horn / light mod but was only able to get the horn working. I was limited on time but need to go check my notes again and track down where the light feedback was. I'll post the info here.

I tried the AWD gauge mod yesterday with no luck. I changed one line of code in the IPC.

(720-01-01 xxxx x2xx)

Is that correct or is there more to it?

Glad to be talking to someone that's playing with this stuff.

I tried the AWD gauge mod yesterday with no luck. I changed one line of code in the IPC.

(720-01-01 xxxx x2xx)

Is that correct or is there more to it?
I found that the AWD gauge change was controlled by bit 22 (1 to enable) in 720-01-01. In my vehicles, line 720-01-01 line was xxxx x0xx, so the change to xxxx x2xx enabled the AWD gauge in cluster. If your 720-01-01 line was not xxxx x0xx, than you should confirm how a change in value on bit 22 will affect the hex value you need to enter.

I started a new thread for 16+ forscan changes so it doesn't continue to muck up this thread (maybe peter can move the last few posts out of this thread so it keeps it clean for the 11-15 changes).

That's just it, the low beams are the DRL's. All three of mine have the lighting solution headlamps.

Graves, it may be a good idea to disable the DRL's on the 3 in the fleet. SGT has a thread on here about the 16+ PIU's having some clarity issues with the headlamps due to the LED's being on with the DRL's. The civilian models with DRL's have a slight different headlamp assembly. Let me see if I can dig it up.

UPDATE: Here is the link:

16/17 PI Utility DRL Lamp Housing Discoloration

That's just it, the low beams are the DRL's. All three of mine have the lighting solution headlamps.

Correct. That was I was trying to get out. That is apparently the issue in that bulletin I linked. The DRL's are simply the low beams and after time, it messes with the lens. It will be interesting in seeing if Ford changes that to a dedicated DRL similar to a retail model. Our Chargers have a separate LED DRL on them.

I'm in a similar situation with your trouble codes. When I added the 8" MFT to mine, it has a dual climate HVAC setup. No way around it as any retail Explorer with MFT will have a dual zone capable system. I get two lingering trouble codes but it doesn't set of the MIL. Both codes are related to no comminucation with the passenger side temp actuator, which the car doesn't have. They don't cause any issue but are always there waiting for me when I'm in Forscan!

I just reprogrammed the second one and I couldn't get it to set the code. ??? It's at the dealer now for the door panel, rear toe links and EVAP valve, I'll play with it a little more when it gets back.

Our headlamps are still clear, but the units are only in service a year and a half now, I'd expect Ford to do some sort of customer satisfaction program for it's fleet customers... or not.

Correct. That was I was trying to get out. That is apparently the issue in that bulletin I linked. The DRL's are simply the low beams and after time, it messes with the lens. It will be interesting in seeing if Ford changes that to a dedicated DRL similar to a retail model. Our Chargers have a separate LED DRL on them.

I'm in a similar situation with your trouble codes. When I added the 8" MFT to mine, it has a dual climate HVAC setup. No way around it as any retail Explorer with MFT will have a dual zone capable system. I get two lingering trouble codes but it doesn't set of the MIL. Both codes are related to no comminucation with the passenger side temp actuator, which the car doesn't have. They don't cause any issue but are always there waiting for me when I'm in Forscan!

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Correct. That was I was trying to get out. That is apparently the issue in that bulletin I linked. The DRL's are simply the low beams and after time, it messes with the lens. It will be interesting in seeing if Ford changes that to a dedicated DRL similar to a retail model. Our Chargers have a separate LED DRL on them.........................
Unless the PIU have a different housing than the retail models I don't understand why there is an issue. The retail models have the DRL on the LED low beams and here is Canada they are mandatory and are on all the time. When they don't function as the DRL at night, they are on at full power so it's hard to believe that they are affecting the internals of the headlamp.

