2016 Explorer LED signature light - only one on with ignition on | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2016 Explorer LED signature light - only one on with ignition on


New Member
March 24, 2019
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Limited
Hi there all,

It is Ford Explorer 2016 limited, with the following settings:

Autolamps ON (rotary switch),
Daytime Lights - ON (check enabled) in the cluster's settings,
All doors closed,
Gearbox in Park,
Ignition ON,
Engine OFF.
Bunch of FORScan settings modified, can't recall anything to do with these LED lights though...

Ends up with only one LED signature light on :eek: .


What is / could be the problem?
Mechanical / Electrical / FORScan settings? :help:

Upon turning on engine AND putting Drive / Reverse - both sides of the signature light are on OR when opening the doors - both sides light up.

Thanks a lot in advance for all the hints!

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Did it work before any FORScan changes?

Do both come ON when in 'Park' with the engine running? Have you tried tapping on the light to see if it will come ON when in 'Park' with the engine OFF? It is a strange issue but at least they are both ON when it counts.


Do both come ON when in 'Park' with the engine running? Have you tried tapping on the light to see if it will come ON when in 'Park' with the engine OFF? It is a strange issue but at least they are both ON when it counts.


1. No, not in Park, only when I put it to Drive /Reverse.

2. I have not tried tapping, I will, but I don't think it's this, as it works flawlessly in certain conditions.

3. True that, both on when I need them.

Did it work before any FORScan changes?

reverting BCM to the original settings in Forscan did not help. Also, I could not find any other Lighting module...

Do both come ON when in 'Park' with the engine running? Have you tried tapping on the light to see if it will come ON when in 'Park' with the engine OFF? It is a strange issue but at least they are both ON when it counts.


1. No, not in Park, only when I put it to Drive /Reverse.

Unless it's dark, then all 4, i.e. 2x headlights and 2x led signature lights are on (park & engine off or on)

btw. tapping didn't help...

Software issue ❓:dunno:

Unless it's dark, then all 4, i.e. 2x headlights and 2x led signature lights are on (park & engine off or on)

btw. tapping didn't help...
ambient light sensor maybe? since normal op in the dark

ambient light sensor maybe? since normal op in the dark
The member's last post was 4 years ago and the member was last active here last June so I don't know if the member is still following this thread or ever had the issue resolved. As for the sensor, I would think it would either work or not work.

