2020 Explorer ST will not start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2020 Explorer ST will not start

Post number 30 has been selected as best answered.


September 22, 2022
Reaction score
City, State
Orlando, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020, Explorer ST
There was a thread started by Metromike 2 years concerning the issue with the 2020 Explorer not starting. I never saw if there was a technical bulletin to fix this. I have a 2020 ST and it has been at the dealer for 1 1/2 months as they continue to replace electrical components to try to fix the issue. The issue being, about every 2 weeks it will just not start. All the alerts flash, and the start button flashes and nothing. You can wait between 10 minutes to 3 hours and it will all of a sudden start. The dealer here in Orlando is really trying to figure it out and the have had plenty of times it has not started to work from as well consulting with Ford engineers.

If anyone has had this same situation and it was repaired, please provide the info and maybe the TSB that may lead to the fix. It’s such a beautiful car, but I have not been able to enjoy it.

Thanks to all who may give input here.

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There was a thread started by Metromike 2 years concerning the issue with the 2020 Explorer not starting. I never saw if there was a technical bulletin to fix this. I have a 2020 ST and it has been at the dealer for 1 1/2 months as they continue to replace electrical components to try to fix the issue. The issue being, about every 2 weeks it will just not start. All the alerts flash, and the start button flashes and nothing. You can wait between 10 minutes to 3 hours and it will all of a sudden start. The dealer here in Orlando is really trying to figure it out and the have had plenty of times it has not started to work from as well consulting with Ford engineers.

If anyone has had this same situation and it was repaired, please provide the info and maybe the TSB that may lead to the fix. It’s such a beautiful car, but I have not been able to enjoy it.

Thanks to all who may give input here.
welcome to EF! sorry to hear that. does it turn over? or nada

Does it do anything weird otherwise or just the not starting issue?

Does it crank or does it just do nothing when you push the botton?

It does nothing. Just the alerts about hill descent, traction control, and a few other alerts not operational. The start button is also flashing red.

I have the poor man base 2022 so I don't have the button i have the manual key, does it normally blink red or is that a problem indicator?

It does nothing. Just the alerts about hill descent, traction control, and a few other alerts not operational. The start button is also flashing red.
I have the poor man base 2022 so I don't have the button i have the manual key, does it normally blink red or is that a problem indicator?
It does not flash at all when it starts properly. It stays green.

It does nothing. Just the alerts about hill descent, traction control, and a few other alerts not operational. The start button is also flashing red.
hmm thats odd. any codes? there would have to be

they gotten voltage? i would assume they did, but that has caused some real wacky stuff previously

So let's get started... how are the battery connections? Does the battery itself test good? do you have to jump it or does it just start up when you try it later? I did some digging and I've seen some with a software update issue. I've also seen where a wire harness isn't properly connected or grounded out causing Intermittent issues. Has the car always done this or is this a new issue?

So next time it does this open the door and close it while sitting in the car and use the remote start function. When it starts push the start button like yoy would when you use remote start normally and see if that work.

If it does then pull off the bottom skid plate and search around for any damaged wire harnesses and report back.

If it does then pull off the bottom skid plate and search around for any damaged wire harnesses and report back.
The remote start will not override the issue. When I try, the blinkers flash 2 times and then the horn beeps. Eventually between 10 minutes to 3 hours it will restart.

The ford dealer has been able to reproduce this, but every component change they have tried has not fixed it.

Funny enough, the shop foreman called me today and said he is 98% sure it’s fixed this time snd come get it. 5 minutes later they call to say dont come as it would not start while they went to move it from the repair bay.

I will give them props though, they have provided a rental for me during this whole situation.

With as many cars that have this issue, you would hope that there would be a fix out there z

Hey at least you got a rental I got to ride in the trunk of my 17 escape as I got 4 kids to cam in the car. Has your car ever had an engine off timer concern in your ford pass ap

Nothing in the app like that. It just logs all the times my car will not start and the warning alerts that are showing up on the dash.

Hey stupid thought here...hownmuch gas in in the tank and if you're on an incline facing down does that make your issue happen more often?

Nothing in the app like that. It just logs all the times my car will not start and the warning alerts that are showing up on the dash.
I can't be sure if this is the case with your issue, but a lot of times when warning lights flash and the dash lights up like a Christmas tree, it is due to a bad or failing battery. When it doesn't start right away have you tried getting it boosted to see if it will then start?


I can't be sure if this is the case with your issue, but a lot of times when warning lights flash and the dash lights up like a Christmas tree, it is due to a bad or failing battery. When it doesn't start right away have you tried getting it boosted to see if it will then start?

I have not tried that as this has happened right after a battery change as well.

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Hey stupid thought here...hownmuch gas in in the tank and if you're on an incline facing down does that make your issue happen more often?
It would crank in this scenario. His car isn't even trying to crank.
