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3rd generation Bumper registry

Damn that is looking good Donner maybe there hope for the 3rd gens after all. keep it up can't wait to see it finished!

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If the 285s can fit, that'll be sweet! :)

Donner - looking good. Any chance of a full 3/4 front shot, and 3/4 rear shot. I'd like to see how it all hangs together, but at the same time know that you'd like to keep it hidden. They say curiosity killed the cat, but i don't have a cat!! LOL.

Very Niiice!!

Excellent work on the Ex Donner!!! I showed my wife and suggested that maybe we could borrow some ideas for her 03 XLT ie; lift/tires etc. She glared at me and said I can do whatever I want my Explorer but I'm not allowed to touch hers. :salute: ;)

Ha! :) Thanks guys! (my wife's car is again off limits - sheesh) I'll get good pics, I just wanted the other items adjusted on Monday first... I have to run out and hook up the lights, so I'll get a pic..

Forgot about these...

Had to do a little shopping first..


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Okay, today is the big day... everything should be finished by tonight. My vehicle now looks like a hybrid desert scorpion (black and red). 285s?? I'll see ya'll in a few hours...

go you good thing

Okay, today is the big day... everything should be finished by tonight. My vehicle now looks like a hybrid desert scorpion (black and red). 285s?? I'll see ya'll in a few hours...

Some of us are getting impatient:shifty_ey;)

ha! :) me too, but looky...

On the way to the fabricator, look what someone sold me from their vehicle (I hope it was his vehicle :scratch:... So now I can sell the two Westin crossbars, and put on the Thule's. I was just about to get these from the store... So I came home to paint them... and now I'm back out... :D:thumbsup:


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at the risk of being flamed on this board, i have to say - to each their own. I admire the amount of work Donner's doing to his Ex & the custom fabrication and all, but I just don't know that I'm a fan. For all the work he's putting into it, I just don't think it looks all that great. Sorry, man.

^ Then why post?

Well, I thought that was why there was a forum. For opinions, right? Plus, with the length of the thread, everyone on the forum has posted to this thread with the exception of me, so I just wanted to put something down for the record!

Well, I thought that was why there was a forum. For opinions, right? Plus, with the length of the thread, everyone on the forum has posted to this thread with the exception of me, so I just wanted to put something down for the record!

Fair enough, I suppose. Personally, I reckon this thing will look tough as, and I can honestly say that if Donner hadn't tried this, I don't think I would have had enough guts to cut up my front bar to mount a winch; insipration comes from many places, and for me, this thread is one of them.

No disrespect to dtholmanmax, but the only thing that matters is that Donner is happy after all is said and done. And jcuz said it right, even more important than liking it is seeing the many possibilities that can be achieved. Before the majority of the people on this board decided to do modifications, a few brave pioneers took a 'risk' and did them first and paved the path for everyone else. The motivation that Donner has given to others with many of his mods is invaluable.

And Donner, where are the pictures of the final product??? We were expecting them yesterday! ;)

at the risk of being flamed on this board, i have to say - to each their own. I admire the amount of work Donner's doing to his Ex & the custom fabrication and all, but I just don't know that I'm a fan. For all the work he's putting into it, I just don't think it looks all that great. Sorry, man.

You said it, to each their own. But remember that you are in the "Modified 02-05 forum"
In this forum I think I speak for all------WE LOVE MODS!

at the risk of being flamed on this board, i have to say - to each their own. I admire the amount of work Donner's doing to his Ex & the custom fabrication and all, but I just don't know that I'm a fan. For all the work he's putting into it, I just don't think it looks all that great. Sorry, man.
At least he's doing something.

It's not supposed to be pretty, I did that last year. This time is torn down and being changed... Your comments are coool by me :) But give the build some time... no one does 3rd gen applications around here, so this is all new to my shops and to me. Gimme a little time :) Have a look at the 1st and 2nd gen builds, they takes months... it's allll good!

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Well, in the last few hours I managed to run down the batt on my camera, and then misplace the camera. However, while this new shop was installing the rear bumper correctly - we came up with an idea for a rear space spare tire carrier -

My neighbor has an idea to use an old windshield wiper arm connected to the bumper to be used for a cb antenna (edit) that will be held in place when up, by a clasp, and then lowered to the side of the vehicle when not in use.

Both of these are ideas that will show up on the 03... and the tailpipe will either be changed or moved

Edit: Found camera... What we did today was remove the spare, pull the bumper up and in. We have a lot of trimming and repainting to do, and my lights still are not ready.

The bumper has to be adjusted upward and the blackout of the undercarriage will be done.

The skid plate will cover the sides of the front end area (around the radiator and fan) and will be blacked out also, however the shiny part will be very visible.


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