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4th Gen - Extended Upper Control Arms with Uni-ball joint

guys regarding bushings lubrication

if you get the black bushings then you do not need extra lubrication for the bushing (they are Graphite Impregnated Polyurethane)

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guys regarding bushings lubrication

if you get the black bushings then you do not need extra lubrication for the bushing (they are Graphite Impregnated Polyurethane)

I got red ones.....?

Rear Camber

First, I'll say thank you to all of you for posting details on your suspension modifications. (I've got the QL + Truxx + BTF (3/8") combination on the front and the QL on the rear.) Here's my chance to return the favor, if this can help somebody:

I ended up with a rear tire-wear issue after installing the Loaded Quick Lift on my Sport Trac. Just added a set of custom adjustable upper arms from PMT Fabrication, to help with the negative camber. Easy install, now I need to get it in to the alignment shop.



I could use a little help.
I'm trying to do the same thing, QL + Truxx + BTF setup in the front.

I hear you guys talking about adding washers, is that on the inside of the BTF's?
Because I'm noticing quite a bit of space in between the BTF and the were it mounts.
Pics would be great if anyone has them.

Also, the QL's I got were taller then the stock shocks, which is weird, considering they are supposed to be the same length at full extension.

Thank you

I could use a little help.
I'm trying to do the same thing, QL + Truxx + BTF setup in the front.

I hear you guys talking about adding washers, is that on the inside of the BTF's?
Because I'm noticing quite a bit of space in between the BTF and the were it mounts.
Pics would be great if anyone has them.

Also, the QL's I got were taller then the stock shocks, which is weird, considering they are supposed to be the same length at full extension.

Thank you

Yeah the washers should go beween the inside of the BTF arms and the strut tower where they mount to. How much space are you seeing?

The quicklifts will be taller than the stock shocks at full extension because they have more overall travel than the stock ones. You can see this by looking at the extended and collapsed length numbers on a stock style replacement shock on monroe's site, and then go to ranchos site and look up the data on the quicklifts. Once the vehicle weight is on them they will compress down to be a little taller than the stock ones also...that's how you get the lift. The extra travel comes into play when you drive over terrain that demands the suspension travel downward....so your suspension will articulate more and the vehicle will dive less and the suspension will be less likely to just hang there with the wheel suspended above the ground.....so you get traction instead of wheel spin.

Thank you,

Do you know what size the spacers should be, and how many I should use?
I have a picture, I don't know how to post it. it looks like almost 1/4" gap.

As for the shocks, the resting height should be the same and only on compression the QL's will hold the truck higher correct?

Here are the specs I'm seeing on Rancho's website. The stock shock I pulled out measures 22.080, but the QL measures more like 23.5... And between the two QL's both fronts, one is taller then the other..

Rancho Loaded quickLIFT Complete Strut Assembly
  • Compressed Length: 17.350
  • Extended Length: 22.080
  • Travel Length: 4.730
  • Body Type: SS3
*All measurements are in inches. Boot/Dust Shield end is upper.

Rancho RS5000 Strut
  • Compressed Length: 19.320
  • Extended Length: 22.080
  • Travel Length: 2.760
  • Body Type: SS3
*All measurements are in inches. Boot/Dust Shield end is upper.

I only used 1 washer on each side of mine, but I don't remember the hole diameter or washer thickness. it wasn't anything crazy on mine....just one washer on each side. In your case just do some searching around at the hardware store until you find a combo that will stack up to be the right height to make up the difference I guess.

I don't know what to tell you about the difference from the specs on the length of your quicklifts vs the published numbers, maybe a revision to the design or something that didn't get updated in the catalog.

Yes they are longer than stock. How much they collapse when the vehicle's weight is on them depends on the spring they use. I think they probably use a spring with a slightly higher rate than stock to give you the lift. The spring affects where the vehicle sits in the travel range of the shock.

The difference in height is something I noticed too with my truck too with stock struts (as far as actual ride height....one side of the front was lower than the other) so maybe the difference in the height of the quicklifts has something to do with leveling it out from side to side.

Thank you,

Do you know what size the spacers should be, and how many I should use?
I have a picture, I don't know how to post it. it looks like almost 1/4" gap.

As for the shocks, the resting height should be the same and only on compression the QL's will hold the truck higher correct?

Here are the specs I'm seeing on Rancho's website. The stock shock I pulled out measures 22.080, but the QL measures more like 23.5... And between the two QL's both fronts, one is taller then the other..

Rancho Loaded quickLIFT Complete Strut Assembly
  • Compressed Length: 17.350
  • Extended Length: 22.080
  • Travel Length: 4.730
  • Body Type: SS3
*All measurements are in inches. Boot/Dust Shield end is upper.

Rancho RS5000 Strut
  • Compressed Length: 19.320
  • Extended Length: 22.080
  • Travel Length: 2.760
  • Body Type: SS3
*All measurements are in inches. Boot/Dust Shield end is upper.

Hi everyone,

Loved reading everything in this thread, I've been looking to go higher on my Ex since my initial work. Currently running Rancho QL in the front only with 265/65/17's. I've been trying to follow but I'm getting lost, with these extended upper control arms for the front and nothing in the rear, what's the most you can get awayou with lift wise before you jeopardize alignment and ride quality? Thanks for the help!

Hi everyone,

Loved reading everything in this thread, I've been looking to go higher on my Ex since my initial work. Currently running Rancho QL in the front only with 265/65/17's. I've been trying to follow but I'm getting lost, with these extended upper control arms for the front and nothing in the rear, what's the most you can get awayou with lift wise before you jeopardize alignment and ride quality? Thanks for the help!

These do not provide any lift, they merely extend out farther for a better alignment, strength, and clearance. They will handle the max lift you can throw at it, and they do not change ride quality, other then better firmness from no slop.

Assuming you have a 3rd gen...
For help answering your lift max questions, do a search here for 3rd gen coil spacers for lift. .

These do not provide any lift, they merely extend out farther for a better alignment, strength, and clearance. They will handle the max lift you can throw at it, and they do not change ride quality, other then better firmness from no slop.

Assuming you have a 3rd gen...
For help answering your lift max questions, do a search here for 3rd gen coil spacers for lift. .

Understood, I'm looking for fourth gen options. I know the extended upper control arms allow for greater lift, I wanted to know what everyone was using for lift kits on their rigs that installed these. Is it a combo of strut spacers and Rancho QL's or does someone make a full 4" suspension lift?

Understood, I'm looking for fourth gen options. I know the extended upper control arms allow for greater lift, I wanted to know what everyone was using for lift kits on their rigs that installed these. Is it a combo of strut spacers and Rancho QL's or does someone make a full 4" suspension lift?

I believe the spacers, & a body lift combo is used for larger tire clearance on 3rd & 4th gens.

I have yet to see a 4" drop bracket suspension lift kit offered for IRS, but they might exist, I just haven't seen it. Did the search function give you any results?

I've got feathering and inside wear on my 265/65-18 BS AT Defenders - sounds like I have giant mudders. Taking it to alignment this week - if they can't fix it then I will order the BTF extended control arms. They are avail right through the website.

just got the BTF control arms put on now its time for new tires and an alignment def recommend these if you run the truxxx lift because with the stock upper arms you definitely see quicker wear of your tires.

ordered mine yesterday after a talk with Brandon.
1-2 week lead time.

Here are the photos from when i got them put on couldn't get a good one from my phone with the new KO2s though but w/e.



wow - looks great!

Hey guys sorry to revive an old thread but after reading through 1 question still wasnt answered. I have a 4th gen and did a 2 inch spacer lift front and back. I put 295/70/17s on and yes i have a slight rub on my UCA. I also noticed that my knuckle the ball joint makes sits against my spring. If i buy the BTF arms will these move the joint off the spring?


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Did he finish them yet?
