A truck crashed through my backyard wall. | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A truck crashed through my backyard wall.

I got a call from my neighbor that someone crashed through the wall of my backyard. So I closed the office, and headed home. I get here and the whole neighborhood, news teams and the cops with the yellow "crime scene" tape were all over the place. I pull up and a couple of cops come right up to me and ask if I live here and get some info from me.

Some of the neighbors said it sounded like a bomb that went off and ran over to see what was going on. I guess the truck was on fire and someone grabbed the hose and put it out while another called 911.

I don't know the story of how it happened as nobody actually saw it.

Unfortunately the driver hit a couple of kids riding their bikes and killed one immediately (which flew about 100' from where he was hit) and the other, somehow, is fine. I just heard on the news that the driver is at the hospital in stable condition and could be facing man slaughter charges.

It's on every local news channel so if you see this, you can check out the news copter shots and interviews with the neighbors. We had a couple news channels inside the house filming and taking pics of the backyard.

Here are a few pics and the album they're in.
http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x75/HB_Tiki/Backyard Crash/




Pulling the truck out.





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clarkkent is back??

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yup im back and still not a real member. lol. i dipped my feet into motorcycles for a little bit and garaged the monster.

hi colin. facebook me foolio. arvin rodriguez(themobbsquad@hotmail.com)

ive been away. your backyard looks amazing by the way.
Sent request holmes.

I mounted my GoPro on the patio cover and had it take a picture every 60 seconds for 3 hours. Here are a few pics from my Memorial weekend (Sunday) bbq.






Hi Winter :wavey:

Lookin' good Colin:D

I'm ashamed to say this is the first time i've seen this thread:rolleyes: I must have been under a rock. Let me know if you need any help, I'm not too busy as of late.

Dude, wtf is with your grass? Is that real? It looks so amazing that I'm thinking it's fake turf.

Dude, wtf is with your grass? Is that real? It looks so amazing that I'm thinking it's fake turf.

Considering there's a roll of whats leftover on the trashcans in the pic i'd say it's artificial grass:p:

Good point. I was thinking I needed to call up Colin for some lawncare tips. :eek:

Lookin' good Colin:D

I'm ashamed to say this is the first time i've seen this thread:rolleyes: I must have been under a rock. Let me know if you need any help, I'm not too busy as of late.
Thanks, Dave. I may actually ask for your services to paint the house, inside and out "soon."

Dude, wtf is with your grass? Is that real? It looks so amazing that I'm thinking it's fake turf.
It's the newest stuff out. The "U" shaped blades and "filler" near the bottom make it look and feel more realistic than the flat bladed stuff.

It's the newest stuff out. The "U" shaped blades and "filler" near the bottom make it look and feel more realistic than the flat bladed stuff.

Sure beats the green rocks they use in Sun City ;) They actually epoxy the rocks down so they never get messed up and they can just hose off any dog poop:eek:

Your backyard looks fantastic:chug:

Looks like Winter was having a good time:D

Thanks, Dave. I may actually ask for your services to paint the house, inside and out "soon."

It's the newest stuff out. The "U" shaped blades and "filler" near the bottom make it look and feel more realistic than the flat bladed stuff.

How expensive was it, if you don't mind me asking.

It's from SYNLawn and they were the original company that "started" the artificial grass. They were also the best deal I could find, have about 7 different types and the one I picked was $7 a sq/ft. They have the same stuff with a little bit of brown in the filler to make it look a little more realistic, but it's another $1.50 a sq/ft.

So what you're sayin is the leftover roll sitting there for trash is probably worth a couple hundred bucks? On my way now! :D

Mmmmmmm, that back yard brings sex appeal.

Thanks, IZ. JT ain't got nothin' on me.

So what you're sayin is the leftover roll sitting there for trash is probably worth a couple hundred bucks? On my way now! :D
There will be a lot less there when you get here. I'm using as much of it to do the side yard myself. :)

How does it deal with dog pee? Does it filter through the mat?

How does it deal with dog pee? Does it filter through the mat?

It looks like they have special stuff for pets.

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I came across this pic and this thread was my first thought.

