All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005 | Page 19 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005

thank god JDraper doesn't have mod/admin privileges or my avatar be that pink mustang by now.

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Heh, I can change that fan clutch faster than the thermostat. Ling as you have the ford fan clutch tool

ExplorerSport77 said:
had a comin soon...anyone down for the ALL TRUCK NATIONALS Aug 6th at carlisle?

IM DOWN!!! Someone PM me with info when they get a chance

Blee1099 said:
Kevin the next time you don't go wheeling with us after All Ford Nationals, I'm gonna strap you to the roof of my truck and go thru a mud bog or maybe take Zorro thru a mud bog. :D

I guess I am going !!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you all had fun wish I could have made it. Maybe one of these years i'll get back up there. :)

Vids are up on the other thread

TheRookie said:
Heh, I can change that fan clutch faster than the thermostat. Ling as you have the ford fan clutch tool

The thermostat on the 95-97 OHV is alot easier than the ones on the 1st gens.. Just remove the intake, remove 3 10mm bolts and then pop it off and install a new one. Now I just need to get a new fan clutch and get the tool.

Wugh. That was one hell of a long ride home :-p Ben, your Explorer must have cursed mine, because the fan clutch in Tank is toast too. I got to see 'Old' Faithful' blow the top off the resevoir again today... time for an electric fan, methinks.

I had an absolute Blast, this had to be the best Carlisle yet even if there weren't as many attendees as years past. Funny moments for me: Parli shooting Todd with the marshmellow gun, giving Lizard a royal smackdown when we were sitting around the campfire :D, Mike and Brennan's gay carwashing session, the hotdog on Tank's antenna, etc. Thanks to Ben and Draper for bringing the grub and to Lizard for getting us all through Paragon in more or less one piece.

Numi, all I have to say to you is "SPOON!" lol :D

I'm too beat to post my funny pics tonight, I promise to do it soon though.

Spas said:
Parli shooting Todd with the marshmellow gun,

LOL, I found one gooed to my carpet when I was tearing out my seats last nite. :p

IAmTodd said:
LOL, I found one gooed to my carpet when I was tearing out my seats last nite. :p
There's one still stuck to my trailer I think :confused:

I had a blast at the show and at Paragon..


Today, in the mail, i recieved the award for winning 2nd Place in my class at carlisle. This comes to me totally unexpected. I know its not a big award but its still cool to me. I took a few pics of the plack. Can't wait till next year... :thumbsup:



thankxs todd and thank you tara....can't wait for next year though...

Thats cool, congrats.


frickea86 said:
Today, in the mail, i recieved the award for winning 2nd Place in my class at carlisle. This comes to me totally unexpected. I know its not a big award but its still cool to me. I took a few pics of the plack. Can't wait till next year... :thumbsup:



I know......I won second last year and I got this package in the mail.....I was like whoaa....I didn't expect it at all! It's still cool to get it though :D


I'm a newbie to the area and to Ford Explorers, but not to offroading. Looking for people in MD area to go offroading with. I've got a 99 XLS. Its stock for now. Being that I used to drive everything from Hummers to M1 tanks, I don't think it will stay stock though. Course, I do want to have that careful balance between economics and fun. Can anyone tell me if there is a local MD or Southern PA club or group?

Congrat Adam !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I say it is deserved, your Ex was lookin' spotless that day.

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Cajun said:
I'm a newbie to the area and to Ford Explorers, but not to offroading. Looking for people in MD area to go offroading with. I've got a 99 XLS. Its stock for now. Being that I used to drive everything from Hummers to M1 tanks, I don't think it will stay stock though. Course, I do want to have that careful balance between economics and fun. Can anyone tell me if there is a local MD or Southern PA club or group?

PM Blee , and or Spas, I know they go wheelin' pretty often.

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