All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005


Explorer addict
Elite Explorer
August 27, 2001
Reaction score
Down by da river, hon
City, State
North East, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Sport
Once again it's time to start planning for the single biggest event for the mid Atlantic region Explorers. I can't promise a smooth get together this year, but I sincerely hope everyone can be a responsible adult and come out for a day or two to talk shop about our X's, catch up on new jobs, kids and news, and hopefully hit the trails the next day. This will be the 4th annual All Ford Nationals/ Offroading weekend to be held in Carlisle, Pa on June 4th, and Hazleton, Pa on June 5th. I recommend Paragon as the second half of our weekend simply because it was suggested to alternate between Rausch Creek and Paragon every year. Besides, many new members have never been to Paragon, which offers a greater selection of trails than RC (mud and water crossings as opposed to just rocks).

EVERYone is welcome to bring their Fords, however, I ask that you respect Carlisle's and Paragon's rules regarding irresponsible behavior (IE: no donuts on Carlisle's showfield, straying from the trail, etc). In the past we have shared hotel rooms Friday night in Carlisle, shown our trucks saturday day, shared more hotel rooms saturday night and gone wheeling sunday. Last year a lot of people said they'd show up and they didn't- which left me holding the bill for the unused rooms. This year if you need a room, you are responsible for finding other people to split the cost with you by posting here that you need a roomate. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO RESERVE THE ROOM(S)!!! I will come back and edit this with Hotel information as I find it so you'll have the phone numbers at hand. If necessary I'll reserve the rooms again this year, but I'd rather not.

Carlisle All Ford Nationals I suggest you register online once they have the page up, it'll save you some time at the gate. If you don't, you can still register when you get there, no biggie. As always, we register under the club name "Serious Explorations" in honor of this site. It's $45 to register the day of, but sometimes they offer a discount for pre-registering online.

Paragon Adventure Park Since there are a lot of stockers that go on this annual run, we'll probably be hitting easy to moderate trails. Check Paragon's site for info on what you'll need to bring.

That said, Y'all have little over 4 months to get your Explorers/Rangers/Mounties/Bronco II's/Aviators ready for the show, and if you don't think your truck has a chance of winning anything, ask Lizardtrac or ExplorerEb96 to show you their trophies! Hope to see everyone there- Leave the drama at HOME!!!!!!!!





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Do you have Justin in a headlock??


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X24 said:
Do you have Justin in a headlock??

That's generally what happens when you call me the "T" word in front of everyone and I'm in a bad mood... you get your head rammed into your Explorer's fender :D

You gonna come down for this, Farmboy???

ROFL.......i had to try and see that closer...hopefully there will be NO RAIN this year...cant wait to see all the trucks again..


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Spas said:
You gonna come down for this, Farmboy???
Doubtful. Carlisie is too far for me. If you guys are gonna do a big run at paragon sometime I wouldnt mind riding along with someone. I like watching other people damage their trucks.

wahoo, can't wait to go, its gona be a blast....

Im not so sure yet. Im getting tired of spending a week getting the truck ready just so it can rain. As much as i like carlisle I hate rain.

X24 said:
Doubtful. Carlisie is too far for me. If you guys are gonna do a big run at paragon sometime I wouldnt mind riding along with someone. I like watching other people damage their trucks.

THEN COME DOWN TO THE PARAGON HALF, SLACKER! :D What the hell... Besides, I could use an expert spotter/ picture taker

i hope i can make this one i am not planing on taking any classes that require me to be bussy on a sat

more fire classes that's why i didn't make it last year had to take a state test that day cause the next test wasn't untill november

We're already registered for the weekend and have a hotel room..Rooms are in very scarce supply this year. I'd suggest trying the Hotel Carlisle (1-800-692-7315)
. We're a little out of town with the Mach 1 group at the Homewood Suites

If Im in WV this summer Ill try my hardest to make it, had a blast last year.

i dont live to far from carlisle i might have to run up there and check some of this out

I am going to try and make it, but if I wheel it will most likely be in the Bronco.

I think I'll make it this year.. having a ford again :)

The second pic, I'm the one on the FAR left. No hotel room needed for me though, I'll leave at O'dark:30 and meet ya'll somwhere's.

yea the rain is some what of a downer when driving in it, but i like just going and hanging, so either way ran nor shine, i will be there...expect to see some new stuff on BigRed...phase 1 is in progress...

Hope to see everyone there dispite if it rain...its always a good time.

If I wake up that morning and its raining, I ain't going! Thats all I have to say about it. Otherwise, I'll be there with a once again, stock Explorer. But I have something that none of you guys have :p

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I will be there.

It is gonna be a blast.

Spas, ya gotta let Zorro park next to Jack though !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
