All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005 | Page 17 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005

IAmTodd said:
Duct tape and a few hose clamps too :) If all else fails, you got Draper to drag your sorry ass back. I'll tow the sammy :D ;)

Yep, I can drag his carcass back below the Mason-Dixon line...he doesn't even need to have wheels on the truck :D

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Well I just put a layer of commercial grade epoxy on it. This stuff is rated for 11 ft lbs/in (square) impact resistance and over 11,000 psi compression strength. Supposedly this stuff is used in the commercial shipping industry to patch holes in steel and iron. Only drawback is that it takes almost 4 days to completely dry in a non-humid conditions. Hopefully it doesn't rain.

Put a halogen light up near it to accelerate the process a little....

We'll be arriving tomorrow morning...see y'all there :D :D

See ya guys tomorrow nite at the hotle!! :D I'm excited!

Alright, since I wont be there friday night someone has to take my spot as the ritual "falls out of second story hotel window drunk guy". Now I did it last year and I need someone to step up to the plate this year to replace me. Whos gonna do it????

Texplorer said:
Alright, since I wont be there friday night someone has to take my spot as the ritual "falls out of second story hotel window drunk guy". Now I did it last year and I need someone to step up to the plate this year to replace me. Whos gonna do it????

I don't think this one's a two story ;)

You fawkers have fun, I'm going to be finishing the explorer and trying out the front locker at the local wheeling spot this weekend. :D

I got u covered there tex, now i just gotta find what hotle we are stayin at so i can make it there

Ah, the Carlisle curse strikes again! Most of you know that I got skimped out of a paycheck (finally got it today and it was for the full amount, go figure), so I didn't have the time or $$ to fix up my trucks.... It was a tough decision to make, but Blackjack will not be attending the AFN's this year :( He needs too much work still, and unlike Draper I have no tow vehicle :p

However, I will be bringing a stump and letting Tank teach those pretty show trucks how entertaining Bondo can be :D

Unfortunatey, the curse got Numi too- we'll probably be leaving here really late, since his 4runner AND the great red beast need some emergency work as well as Tank needing some last minute fixin' too. If y'all get tired of waitin, feel free to check in at the Hotle- the rooms are in my name.

See everyone there!!!!!!!

Hopefully I'll see everyone there by Friday night or Saturday morning. I have a long day ahead of me today. Have to work and then go pickup the front differential housing and install it and load the truck. I plan on bringing the following: a dozen hotdogs & buns, a dozen burgers & buns, condiments like ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo, soda, water, plates, beer. The only thing I ask is that you donate to offset the cost of the food.

Leaving in about a half hour! See ya guys there! Looks like the rain is going to hold off for my rid out. :D

I'll be leaving, probably never haha...Just got my new tranny cooler put I'm headed down to my neighbors to bust some ass on my rims and try and finish getting them sand blasted and painted.... Then it's back up here to slap my shocks on, install my Russell Speed Bleeders and bleed the brakes, and last but not least, bolt everything in the truck down...oh and I have a feeling we're going to be installing 35x12.50x15 Baja Claws on some beadlocks at the show tomorrow, just warning yall :confused: :confused:

be up saturday sometime, but i dont kno about wheelin till tomorrow

#### I am so pissed right now. I went out to clean out the X and get ready to go and What happens? I see a puddle of red fluid under the truck. I am talking atleast 4 quarts here. I am going to put fluid in it and drive a little, see what happens. I fear the front pump seal. I am so ####ing done with these piece of **** trannies.

Well it is the pump seal. I am going to get a torque converter and seal tonight from a friend who manages a parts place. IF I can get this stuff cheap enough I will still try to make paragon. Looking slim though

Well I am back.
I didnt go wheelin'
( yes, yes I am a dork )

It was cloudy and over cast all Saturday morning, but the sun came out mid-day.

It was a great show and every one was cool.

Good time was had by all.

And we DID have to jump start Bens truck :)

Pics soon,

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well i'm back also
I got your back Kevin, i didn't go either, hope their all having fun though.

Loved the weather

Pics coming soon also
