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Another OHV M90 build

2000 OHV + rpcaster + henson performance = another supercharged 4.0 ohv Explorer

I have goodies from James already (New MAF, 36lb injectors, wideband O2 for tuning)

Here's what came from Ron (Also a fuel pressure gauge and boost/vacuum gauge)


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My question is around what plugs in where (Specifically, the iac). Where? The iac has 2 holes in it. Whats that about? How do I make it work on the new intake?

Also, the EGR. Can I just get a second egr tube, and use the side with the two bolt holes to attach to the intake?

This is little stuff, but important.

I want to maintain my egr since I'm not inter-cooling. I'll need all the help I can get at lowering combustion chamber temps.

Let the fun begin!

Ok, so I can chime in about the IAC. I have a instacharger setup and I figured I could just hook it up any way I want. WRONG! there is a valve that controls the top and bottom as in and out (read:vaccum, it may not be but to me it seemed like a logical label). I extended my wires and replaced with a new one and the truck seemed happier. As for egr, I have modified tube that bolts up to egr. Oh oh.. before I forget, you might want to relocate your coilpacks over the years of owning this kit I had noticed that the hotter I ran the blower the more it would cause mis-fires.

I understand pure vacuum needs to be before the supercharger. I also understand Boost/vacuum gauge needs to be after the supercharger.

I know the iac needs to be before the supercharger, but can I just adapt it to the intake and away I go, with both iac holes going to exactly the same spot? This part truly has me scratching my head. So, can you explain further on what you did with the iac? Im still not getting it.

I can add a port before the supercharger for the pcv valve line, and I think I see how to do the egr.

Thanks for the tip on the coil pack. I'll have to make sure I fabricate some kind of a mount well out of the way of the heat.

Going out to take a picture, but I have a bracket.

the holes have to be on each side of the tb lets air around the butterfly to adjust your idle.i would send rp an email,also what tb does it use?i know that manifold is for the sohc so i figure it uses a sohc tb

The tb holes are made for sohc. I'm hoping the mounting holes allign for the ohv, otherwise Ill try to make an adapter. I want to stick with the tb I have to avoid cable issues for throttle and cruise.

It does make sense on the iac that one hole goes before butterfly, and 1 after. I'm sure I can make an adapter plate with 2 hoses on it. That would make routing fairly easy.

Ohv tb will not fit plus the sohc is better,i cant remember how sihc tb works,the aic may be made into it.i think it was the 4.6 tb will fit on the sohc and pretty sure its made into it.also sohc and 4.6 make larger tb witch you will the sohc tb and see if its made in or google the 4.6 tb on a sohc and see if it fits or is built in.

here is mine,its on the bottom,no tubes pipes or anything nice and 5.0 tb are like a dime a dozen and use all the same stuff as the 4.0

That looks awesome! Looks like my existong cables will work. What's the cross section measurement on the bolt holes for mounting? I'm not home to measure mine now, but that tb sounds like it will solve my issue, for sure!

No pic Phix? Its all learning for me. I'm always interested in how guys do things.

Ohv tb will not fit plus the sohc is better,i cant remember how sihc tb works,the aic may be made into it.i think it was the 4.6 tb will fit on the sohc and pretty sure its made into it.also sohc and 4.6 make larger tb witch you will the sohc tb and see if its made in or google the 4.6 tb on a sohc and see if it fits or is built in.

The 4.6 TB does not have the IAC ports built into it. The 4.6's use a different IAC where it has one port that is on the flange side of the IAC that mounted to the intake manifold and then on the other side of the IAC housing is a hose barb nipple that routes a hose to the intake tube post MAFS/pre-TB. This is how the IAC airflow routing happens in the 4.6 SOHC's.

Dono if you don't end up being able to use the 5.0 TB for some reason then let me know if you may need some recommendations on some other IAC options. There are a few different styles of IAC out there that may allow you some flexibility if you end up needing it.

Do i understand correctly, that there are parts available to supercharge an OHV?

is there a kit (or adapter plates and parts list etc) to supercharge a first gen 4.0?

Do i understand correctly, that there are parts available to supercharge an OHV?

is there a kit (or adapter plates and parts list etc) to supercharge a first gen 4.0?

This is a secret! !shhh;)

Yes, this is the beginning of a 2nd gen ohv m90 install. JD has a thread going on his 1st gen install. JDs is far more radical.

Thanks Rocket, Ill go to the yard and see what I can find. Sunday is suposed to be a bit warmer. I was just looking at the pics JD posted, and couldnt help but notice it looked warm there. I should be able to find a 5.0 tb somewhere here, I just needed to understand how an iac works to know whats required. Makes perfect sense to me now.

Yes, this is the beginning of a 2nd gen ohv m90 install. JD has a thread going on his 1st gen install. JDs is far more radical.

Thanks Rocket, Ill go to the yard and see what I can find. Sunday is suposed to be a bit warmer. I was just looking at the pics JD posted, and couldnt help but notice it looked warm there. I should be able to find a 5.0 tb somewhere here, I just needed to understand how an iac works to know whats required. Makes perfect sense to me now.

The 5.0 is way bigger,wouldnt fit with out a major adaptor plate.before you go there i would find out what he uses for iac.pretty sure from the org pics he had a spacer that has the iac built in,cant find our original thread.but either way i would find out if the 4.6 fits,way more aftermarket things.

Im going to be on my own from here on in.
Ron supplied the basics, and didnt pretend to sell a kit. If I need to, Ill make an adapter. Its just a matter of the best route to go, giving the cleanest, most reliable result.

Im going to be on my own from here on in.
Ron supplied the basics, and didnt pretend to sell a kit. If I need to, Ill make an adapter. Its just a matter of the best route to go, giving the cleanest, most reliable result.

Oo welcome to the months of research and stress!!custom fab work is the most hair pulling but funnest stuff for me;)

custom fab work is the most hair pulling

Shoot, custom fab work relaxes me and in many cases I prefer it. That way I can manufacture items under my own design constraints and requirements versus having to operate under someone else's idea of how something should be built. It may take a little longer but I know it is more likely to be done right in the end. :thumbsup: I am not saying I prefer to reinvent the wheel on everything, but on certain things I do.

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Im pretty confident that with you guys helping me with whats required, I can do the rest. Ron gave me a great start on the required parts that I couldnt do myself.
i think once I get the iac sorted out (hopefully the 5.0 tb will do the trick), tap in the pcv line to the intake, and get egr sorted out ill be there.

One of the sticking points is finding a local supply source for these different nipples and screws. Bolt supply houses dont even seem to have this stuff.
