April Big Bear Run | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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April Big Bear Run


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Alright I tought we have enough talk now about this that we should start a thread.

Mid-April is being thorwn around so I thinkwe're down to 2 Weekends April 10th-11th and April 17th-18th.

Feel free to talk about what trails you folks would like to do.

I think maybe we should call this the return of Tom run!:chug:

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Now if there is still some snow maybe I could show you So cal guys a thing or two about wheeling in it! hahaha
Like how to get stuck or slide around alot!!

I would love to attend this run, of course I would love to go on all of them if I could only win the damn lotto.....

I just asked for the 15-18th of April off, so lets shoot for that weekend!

I have been all over BB in the snow and its fun cause even the roads in are 4X4 trails with snow on them. Are we talking about camping, cause it will be very cold at night. Not that it bothers me that much, I'll just turn up the heater in the trailer.

410, I just read your "the most modified BII in", but that title should go to the "Buckin Bronco".

Hey Brian, where is this Bucking Bronco?

I know there are lots of built BII's out there and many of them are monster truck style show cars...

My truck was known as the Bukin Bronco by many of my friends when I firt got it because it had a horrible miss and some clutch chattering (8 years ago)

Now I know that there is ALWAYS a bigger fish, so no matter what I do to my truck there is always one out there with more...thats why I added that line about I keep telling myself that. But now I want to know what BII you are talking about :)

hahaha maybe I should modify it to read, "My BII has had more hours put into it than any other that I have ever seen because I cant seem to do it right the first time and I keep changing my mind about what right is" hahahaha there thats better :)

That last one should be mine too, this last one is the third lift I have had in an Explorer.

OH yeah the primer one with the massive flex and the leaf sprung solid axle.

That truck has fans everywhere it goes, all I hear on teh forums is, "that BII sure did work" etc etc etc.

But it still doesnt have leather seats, 4 wheel discs, and a MP3 player does it? hahaha!!

I want some specs on that sucker...2.9L? 4.0L? 5.0L? D30 or 44? etc etc...

OH and no way are you taking my last one (re: new sig), My truck is on its 2nd 4.0L (3rd engine), 6th transmission, 3rd suspension setup, 3rd front axle, 4th fuel pump, 3rd interior, 5th stereo, and much much more...260K miles on the body and frame. the only thing I have not touched yet is the lower half of the dash and the carpet (and those are next), literally every other bolt has been turned, replaced, or thrown away...

I'm in for Big Bear as long as I have my truck ready to go by then. I'd like to run Holcomb creek again since we didn't get to finish it last time out, from there i'm open to any other trails.

The Bucking Bronco I think has D44/front and 9in/rear
Atlas T-case and stock motor and tranny so i've been told.

Maybe we should contact Jim (BuckinBroncoII) and invite him!

By the way, I'm in! :bounce:

Depending on the snow situation I might be able to make it. I also have to dig up a spotter so I won't have to get out of the rig. I'm still a little wobbly.

Bill I have Jim's e-mail and phone, do you want me to contact him?

Where are we going to camp?

I saw the Buckin Bronco parked out at TDS, but did not see Jim.

I will have atleast one truck that works for this run. Also will start putting money aside for it now. No excuses for me missing this run.

Tom- I may volunteer to ride spoter for you.

Brian- I maybe thinking Hotel camping as it could still be fairly cold up there still. If the weather breaks and it warms up there I vote for the spot we camped last fall.

a 2.9L with an atlas II? Oh man I gotta see that truck!
Sounds like a perfect candidate for a 4.0L swap.

I want I want.

I plan to build another BII after I get a house, it will be a chop top, full cage, efi 5.0L, coil sprung D44 up front, 8.8 or 9" in the rear....I CANT WAIT!

Camping at the east end of the Holcomb Creek Trail would be fine. That spot is kind of trashed, but its large enough for us and easy to find.

There is a great spot off trail 3N97, but its a long drive in to camp. End of a meadow, right inside the pine trees, lots of spots to camp, no one else around.......Its near the west end of the Holcomb Creek Trail. I could give some excellent directions if we want to camp there. It won't work unless everyone camps out; too far to drive from/to in the morning to meet with hotel dwellers.

um, how about a campground with toilets and showers? They have those up there, too. We don't all have fancy trailers.:rolleyes: :p

Well, yeah, but don't you have to pay for those??

If you want to camp in a campground, you need to call the Nat. Forest station cause I don't think they are open yet. Its too early in the season for campers, except for us loonies. I went up there one time in March and had the whole place to myself. Camped for four days in my favorite spot without seeing anyone. It was 50 in the daytime and 20 at night...brrrrrrrrrr

I'll wave and say, "Hi!" if I see you guys on the trail. I'll be up there with the R.O.C. club on the weekend of the 18th running Dishpan Springs, Holcomb Creek, and John Bull. The snow should be virtually gone as this is an early spring w/plenty of meltoff happening at the moment (which isn't good for our drought conditions)...


I'm voting for the 17-18th. I won't be able to run any class 4-5 trails, but would be more than :) to help put together a stocker run for Saturday.
I already have a second stock Explorer, and a Sami. wanting to go!

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Trail Update: While at the club meeting today, "Bud" told us that Gold Mtn. still has snow on the "back side" of the mtn.

John Bull also has snow, covering ice - which can making things real slippery. No prerunning this trail for a few weeks...

Dish Pan Springs has been temporarily closed by the forest service with signs posted at the West (?) end of the trail, but not the east end. No word on when this trail will be reopened - best contact the forest service for information.

R.O.C. will be running Sycamore Creek and John Bull on April 17th, and we might do White Mtn. and Onyx Pass on the 18th. If anyone from this board wants to prerun Sycamore Creek and John Bull with us, we'll be planning our prerun for Sunday, April 4th. PM or Email me if interested...

