TRUCKHAVEN: The redemption run! April 19-20th | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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TRUCKHAVEN: The redemption run! April 19-20th

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Long story short, work has been slow for me lately and Matt has some work lined up for me that I can't pass up. I'll catch up on one of the Big Bear/Cleghorn runs over the summer:thumbsup:

Well, You both SUCK! And I mean that in the nicest way.:p::eek::confused:

That may be true but I gotta pay for that shiny new truck in my driveway:p:

something tells me that i'll be working on my truck friday. there's a strong chance that i might come out early saturday morning.

Are we camping on the Mesa??

Mesa? Where's that..

I've only camped by shows hill and by the ditches (marina drive)..

can someone post a google earth map of where we are going to be camping...

Oh yea..

What channel is base camp gonna be, just in case :)


...the mesa is at the top of show's hill...;)

Don't worry whichever motorhome gets there first will fly the flag! A beacon, a promise of a ???????????????? lol well you know

I think we agreed we're on flat land this time, off marina;)

Thats what I thought.. off marina drive...

The only "mesa" I knew of was the place we didn't camp.. (top of shows hill) which is why I was confused..


Mesa, Bluff...whateva!! :D

Made these a while ago. Right click and save if you like.




I was confused because I thought it was agreed to camp off Marina Drive (closer to the ditches).. but when Rick mentioned the mesa I couldn't picture a mesa (RV friendly) anywhere on Marina drive...




I am going to head out there after work on saturday. I get out of work at 1:30 so I can be there before dark hehe. I have somethings for Tbars if I could give them to someone from OC so they could meet up with him on the way home.:D

Dang i saw the first line of the above post and thought for moment you were gonna say fragged another clutch ;)

I was going to go off of Marina Dr. That's what we agree on. Otherwise let's make up our mind's here.

LOL no I didn't fragg another clutch. The clutch is holding up to my abuse ;) hehe. I have a few things to put on the jeep before I head out there though.

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Thank you Mr. Froader!!:p:
