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Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
We had a blast out there. From the board we had:


When I got out there on friday afternoon the wind (yes the evil 4 letter word) Was blowing like mad. A little after the sun went down the wind died down and was fine all weekend long. We got rained on a few times on saturday as well. There were a ton of people out there and camp sites were almost merging into each other it was so full (just ask felix jefe and bkennedy about the merachee music till 4 am :rolleyes: )

Tom I belive managed to make it an entire weekend in the sammi without braking it. Hopefully the curse has been reversied. I managed to toast my battery to where i need a jump everytime to get it to start. RangerX managed to break the outer driverside axle shaft inside the hub. He sheared it clean off and took the hub with it :eek: :confused: It was a quality break for sure. Saterday night we also got to see a unimog and a nice s10 blazer play bumper cars in the ditches. No damage to the mog and a whole lot to the s10.

Would have been even more pleasuerable if the 2 and 4 stroke bikes would disappear and quit riding around the camp sites 24 hours aday :fire: :fire:

I didnt take to many pics but Im sure some will be posted in the next day or so.

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Bill, Bill, Bill... Remember that night run when you fell off a ledge.....? :rolleyes:

Doesn't look like a good trip for the rangers. Dave is apparently excluded, unless we just haven't seen those pictures yet. :p

Jefe- Bumper and winch set up looks great, nice work. I see you got to use it as well.

As usual looks like it was a lot of fun. I'm bummed I missed it.

Everyone else hurry and get home and post some pics!! :thumbsup:

Nice pics, Rick.
Fenderguy said:
Everyone else hurry and get home and post some pics!! :thumbsup:

Ha.. I know the Blo Me guys! :cool:


Looks like every one had a good time! :thumbsup: Sorry I missed it.

Jefe Bumper looks Great!

Bill...I think it time for you to tie that exocaage up into the front bumper :p

Here are the pictures I got. Check out all the campers. I bet it streched 4 times the distance that my camera could get in one shot. Crazy number of people out there.


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here is a quick picture I took of my truck while we were playing. The other one is what happens when you high center yourself stuck 4 times in a day ( one is the picture above)

I had a blast and the welded rear diff worked well. Only trouble I had was I kept getting highcentered. Once was following tom :eek: and the others I believe were me trying to take some creative lines that shouldnt be taken when you are on 31"s.


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I had forgotten my camera at home. That really sucked. I had a great time as well. We got to see some rollovers and crazy lines that people took. Oh yeah.... and who could forget the GOAT that was out there. I dont know if any of you saw it, but it was funny as hell.... some guy had a goat and it was like a dog. It would just kick it right there and the guy would take little "billy" for a ride in a go-cart and it didnt even mind.
Anyway I did not suffer any breakage. I did make it up some climbs that I thought I definately wouldnt make it up, but I was really surprised. Then saturday night right before I was gonna load the truck on the trailer to go home, Two ass**** cops stopped me right at my campsite and gave me a ticket for no Registration on my Explorer. It has been paid but is not completed yet due to the smog inspection process from the V8 swap. I gave both of them an earfull.... So much so that I think I fraziled the sargeant, because he completly screwed up filling out the ticket. So it should get dismissed on account of the errors. :thumbsup:

I'm home.

More later, need to unload and do some stuff.

Here are all of my pictures :rolleyes:

(Though a few people should have some good shots of my rig. Let see 'em :D )


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Some Pictures

Okay, here are some Pics (we took over 100);
Bill versus rock

Tom versus rock

Jefe climbing hill

Jeep not climbing same hill

For Char! :D :thumbsup:

Jefe lifts a wheel, finally

Me lifting a wheel, again

Dave wheelin in a tight canyon

Group shot


Had a great time.
Chief, relax, a registration ticket is a fix-it-ticket, unless you piss off the issuer.. ;)

Bill found the one spot he has no pront protection on to hit that rock. Any damage?
Let me guess he couldnt see the rock and decided to go that way?

And the axle shaft broke inside the hub? 37's + D35 = ouch :)
Oh and Bill's truck is painted in that trick Chamaeleon green, it changes colors to match the terrain...

Matt does the state of CA know you are transporting sand? That stuff makes great concrete, its almost as sneaky as Moab red dirt, whicH I still find in my truck, even after a whole new drivetrain and paint....

What did they haul that white Yota out there and build it on the spot or what? Geesh!

Man that looks like fun, wish I was there, maybe next year!

Fenderguy said:
Jefe- Is this the hill that you tried during the TH run going toward the phone booth? If so, nice work making it up. :thumbsup:
Yup, thats it. :)
My locker was 'working' this trip (and no blown hubs). However once it locked it stayed locked, so I was locking & unlocking a hub all day :rolleyes:

I had a blast out there this weekend and amazingly I had no breakage or other issues. I sure gave my new sliders a workout, the rockers would've been pretty mangled if I didn't have them this trip. My camera decided to go south after taking 2 pics so I don't have any to share :mad:

410Fortune said:
Bill found the one spot he has no pront protection on to hit that rock. Any damage?
Let me guess he couldnt see the rock and decided to go that way?

And the axle shaft broke inside the hub? 37's + D35 = ouch :)
Oh and Bill's truck is painted in that trick Chamaeleon green, it changes colors to match the terrain...
Jamie, the trail was about ten feet to the right, and off camber. I couldn't see, got uneasy, pointed downhill and found the rock. I was on top of it and still couldn't see it! I moved it a foot or so. :eek: It bent the front fender support up into my horn, and right up to the body mount.

I broke the axle by tugging Matt off a high-center. I think the key was pulling in reverse, tow strap hooked to my front. I've seen a Wrangler and a Defender do the same thing, snapped axle towing backwards. Memo to self: always turn around first!

Colin, truck is the same color as always. :cool:

Chief, good to see you again. You've got to check this Runs forum more!

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Ouch! Bumper time?
OKay no pulling in reverse! You had a spare shaft wih you????? hahahaha Didnt I give you one of those suckers? Hows the friggin clutch?
