Blueka's "Pickle" Registry.... | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blueka's "Pickle" Registry....

Since 2005 when I bought "Betty", my UK Explorer, I've wanted a sport...

well, now that I live in Canada, the chance has presented itself for me to get one...

This one.... it's a 99 sport, 4.0 SOHC... it's a total write off for the moment... but when I saw the advert on Kijiji I couldn't say no. It needed some love and I wanted a project to get stuck into, so I did my research and found out how much parts are gonna cost me etc etc.

So. I present.. Pickle.. (cos it's green and in a right mess)

Explorer vin x.jpg
Explorer vin E 2.jpg
Explorer vin E.jpg
Explorer vin E 1.jpg

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So I powered up everything yesterday, and I'm happy to say, everything works!!.. I'm so happy!!


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Great job :thumbsup: Are the side air bags functional too?

Good to Hear that

not sure about the side airbags, I've got the 2 front bags off right now so I can swap over the pats stuff next week. My donor arrives on Sunday so I'm all excited.

Posted via Mobile Device

Well, Sarah helped me get Pickle out of the shop so we could make way for the donor "Pancake" that arrived today... however, there was no way to get "Pancake" into the shop.. so she's currently at a buddy's farm, I'm going to strip her tomorrow and then set to work on Pickle on Wednesday...

Here's some pictures for now....





And here is "Pancake"


So whats the plan with pickle and pancake?

Disregard the 2nd part i edited out. I need to stop multitasking hahah

Pancake "was" an Explorer... she's a 2000 V8 Limited... I'm using the Engine/Trans in Pickle... Anything I can salvage will be sold off...


Pancake "was" an Explorer... she's a 2000 V8 Limited... I'm using the Engine/Trans in Pickle... Anything I can salvage will be sold off...


I see that now, I was talking to someone else and only looked at the picture for a second and it didn't even look like an ex! Haha

Wow!!! Pancake got knocked the hell out!!! You are a pro at naming your Explorers :)

"Pancake" was Sarah's idea.. I was gonna call it "Saskatchewan"... cos it's flat....

and We've had no snow for a few days now... starting to warm up..-4c today!


Does it ever stop snowing up there?

ya, in may (sometimes).
wow simon, i didn't know you could by the vehicles used at a monster truck race!

Well, today, started tearing down "Pancake"... issue with the power cutting out prevented major progress, but we're getting there, should be all out by Wednesday night..







Got all the mechanical stuff home on Friday night which gave me a chance to have a good look at it.

Noticed that the MAF housing was destroyed, as was the TPS sensor. I sized up the MAF with a 4.0 one and they're the same, so I swapped that out already, and the TPS looks like one I have on a 4.0 I've got kicking around, so I'm gonna swap that over and see if it works.

I'm planning on swapping out the rear driveshaft yoke today and then I've got to drill out the exhaust manifold bolts so I can re-attach the exhaust.

The only part I'm going to have to buy is engine mounts.

I might also be able to use a radiator that came in the back of pickle as the 5.0 one was trashed.

I've also got to remove the dash again so I can swap out the brake booster... I'm getting this dash swap thing down to a fine art now...

Anyway, here's a picture of everything in the shop....Hopefully I'll have it all in by next weekend!!


I dunno, If I can do it without removing the brake booster, then I'll be happy to do it that way...


Dang Simon, where do you keep finding these wrecked limiteds??? Great progress on Pickle though!!!

...Jealous of all the limited parts though, LOL:p:

Well, it's been a busy week, finally got the wiring at the back finished off, changed over the fuel pump, changed over the brake servo for the 5.0 one. Also installed new engine mounts, changed the steering cooler and possibly cross threaded the PAS high pressure line.. either way, I'm going to have to re-do it, cos it's going to leak.

Changed the plugs on the V8, the old ones were 7 NGK's and 1 Motorcraft, all of them were wrecked. So I put in a new set of Champions, changed the thermostat and gasket and put in a new waterpump... the old one was bent on the shaft and the fan wouldn't come off, so I put it in the vice on the bench and smashed it to bits with a hammer so I could get the pulley off.

Then it was time to put the engine in the bay...



I'll get the rest done after the weekend... Happy Easter Everyone


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Happy easter mate! Look's sweet.
