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Blueka's Elite Registry

I've been busy over the summer. Due to the annual inspection I had to take my American tail lights off so the guy would pass it.
I've since refitted them and have modified the wiring and added switchback LEDs.
Also added new headlights too

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Yesterday was gotcha day! 15 years and 50k miles ago she followed me home and I've been poor ever since 😂
So, I spent the day driving around in her.



I've been having some bearing noise so I installed new moog hubs.
One of the caliper carrier bolts rounded off, turning a 30 min job into a weekend.
So i finished the other one yesterday.

Still having bearing noise tho. Can't figure out where it's coming from tho.



Rotate your tires? Maybe.

Bad news! this happened

luckily, I have a spare engine (as you do) and these arrived this week

So, Thanks to @Spas I should have some shiny new chains and guides arriving next month and hopefully have the donor engine ready to drop in before Ford Fair 2021


Fingers crossed. Watch this space


I hate coming home on a tow truck :(

Any signs that it was going away?

It's been intermittently rattling, tapping and the oil gauge fluctuating since I returned to the UK 6 years ago, so it's done well I suppose 😂😂



we've all been there. betty is punishing you for not being there when you were in canada. just wait, i bet pickle will do the same if you get it over there.

Less rotating mass = more power

I hadn't planned on ditching it. Is there any benefit?


That balance shaft chain is really small and fragile, the tiny tensioner is even more fragile.

ARCModule 030.jpg

Is there no benefit, necessity, or advantage to maintaining the balance shaft?

Is there no benefit, necessity, or advantage to maintaining the balance shaft?
It supposedly reduces some vibration. It was supposed to be in all 4WD models, but in any case, nobody really says it helps with vibration. People say they can't feel anything odd in the 4.0's without the balance shaft, and those who do away with it, can't tell the difference. I'm going to cut mine when I redo the timing cassettes etc. You just have to cut and remove the chain, and its tensioner, so leave the balance shaft in place.

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As I'm off work long term sick, I thought, I'd get Big Sexy turned around and get ready to remove the old engine. The plan was to find a secure unit to work in, it stops the neighbours moaning at me, but that hasn't happened and I've got 5 weeks to get it show ready. So, I got her turned around last night. We started pushing it first, to save having to start the engine up, but ever a while and it not going where we wanted, I caved in and started her up. To my surprise, the oil pressure had returned and the tapping/rattling was less... Engine is still going in the bin tho.


Here she is next to my stock 98 EB V8 imported from the US 21 years ago.

