Carlovers Desert Beater Build | Page 32 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Carlovers Desert Beater Build

Whoa! didnt think i'd see pics of this thing actually being on its feet when i clicked the thread! nice job.

what size tires are you running on there? look way bigger than my 35's :(

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You'll be out at T-haven? showin me how its done yeah?

Awesome Explorer man. I wish I had some $$ to get out of my spindle lift and into a coilover setup with travel, one day

Looks like your suspension is going to work for you...nice video update! Truck looks good in the desert.

Made it a true 5 seater.


Kids loaded up and ready to go in Johnson Valley.


No problem. All I have left on mine is to install the power steering line that I had made which I’m picking up today and install the fuel pump and tank. Then it’s ready to fire. Although I will still need to get an F150 transfer case to convert it back to 4 wheel drive but that is going to have to wait a couple months.

Curious-how did you get the Lift to work with the torsion bars??

Seriously, Sad joke aside, I must be the ONLY member here who has missed this build!! Absolutely Incredible work!!!! Blown Away!!!!

I had the torsions in the beginning when i had the spindle lift. I havent had them since i went to the 1st long travel setup though. The coilovers take the place of the torsions.

Have you had torsion bars since you broke those bajoints?


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