Corral Canyon Late May early June | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Corral Canyon Late May early June


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
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City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
Who would be up for a run out to corral canyon. You need at least 33"s one locker and some rocker guards. Depending on the group we would run bronco uphill or downhill. After bronco peak we then could run Sidewinder trail.

Corral Canyon is located near (within about 10 miles) Campo CA if you need to map it.

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Kinda far for me for a day run:rolleyes: Although it the distance as T-haven for me. But I told the wife, no runs till to keep my word:(

I'll chime in as a maybe, depending on what the doc says about my ankle in 5 weeks.

I'd like to do this run. What's better, going up or down Bronco?

I'd also like to get up North this year, Swamp or The Rubicon, Steve let us know if you are going to plan something. There's a lot of rumbling about shutting down trails & I'd like to get to these while we still can...

I'll be a maybe, but I'd really like to do this trail. Just throwing this out there, but I think the early June would work better than late May for me. Memorial Day is in late May.

Going up is harder. If I didn't have my doubler I would have been hating life running the trail up hill. If it is 5-6 well built rigs we could go up bronco, run through sidewinder, then finish off going down bronco.

When Dave and I went with the guys on Pirates a few weeks back we ran up bronco and then ran sidewinder in about 5-6 hours. I didn't really pay attention. we had a few guys in the group that had trouble in a few spots so that slowed us down. we also ran a few sections multiple times in different directions. I think Dave and I figured the two of us could have ran both up bronco and Sidewinder in a bit over 4 hours. Add 3 hours to go back down sidewinder and you have a full day of wheeling. Maybe even do it over a full moon weekend. Start in early afternoon and finish running down bronco under the moon.

I've got the big HARDCORE 4X4 CHALLENGE coming up again in Rosarito Beach on June 14-15 It's the one with the beer girls so I can't miss that:D

The last weekend of May or the first Weekend of June would be good...


Chris, those dates are good with me, and you definitely don't want to miss the Tecate Girls. :)

Matt, if I can make it, could I crash at your place if we did end late?

I was thinking the last weekend in May was Memorial Weekend...

Chris, those dates are good with me, and you definitely don't want to miss the Tecate Girls. :)

Matt, if I can make it, could I crash at your place if we did end late?

I was thinking the last weekend in May was Memorial Weekend...

No problem crashing at my place. I am not sure which weekend will work for me. I am trying to get my out of town work done by the end of may or sooner.

Yeah, Memorial Day is the weekend before...What I meant to say was the Last weekend of May, which is Saturday May 31st. & Sunday June 1st. If that's good for everyone...either day is OK for me.

EDIT: I could make June 7th or 8th too but the weekend before would give me more time between runs to make sure everything is working... Just let me know.

I'll come shoot pics. Blazer is upgraded, but still too wide.....

So are you out for the Dusy and Swamp in August or September?

I havn't been able to make that run for two years now:rolleyes: and it never happend last year. My plan was to plan a summer run up there next year that alot of people could make, I really want to go back!!! But I have to get this house thing done this year (stomping foot).

I understand the house thing. That burned up alot of my time last year with the house. Where are you looking at buying at?

I understand the house thing. That burned up alot of my time last year with the house. Where are you looking at buying at?

We really like where we are at. Tree lined streets, people say hello when you walk down the street, and the area is in our budget. Plus good schools, and in between both of our folks.

You get the dates firmed up and I will try to make it out. Its only a 45 minute drive from my house.
I met the head mechanic for Mountain Empire School District. He lives at the school, is an off roader (has a Willys for sale), and has access to the shop 24 hours a day. Lifts, welders, grinders, etc. The school is just a mile up Buckman Springs Road from the entrance to Corrall Canyon. I have his cell number so if something major brakes, we won't have to wait for someone to drive into the city to get it fixed. We can drag it over there and fix it.:thumbsup:

I am split between weekends right now. I would like to make the 31st but I am not sure if I will be done with my work out of town by then. It will be close that is for sure. I say we shoot for the 31st and use the 7th as a backup plan.

For those that plan on towing you will need a forest adventure pass to park the tow rig there. I plan on just driving out there and back.

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