Corral Canyon Late May early June | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Corral Canyon Late May early June

Depending on what the Doc says on the 27th and funding will decide on whether I can make it or not. Still split between Moab (800 miles) and here (60 miles). Either way it is gonna be a last minute call which I can make.

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I am split between weekends right now. I would like to make the 31st but I am not sure if I will be done with my work out of town by then. It will be close that is for sure. I say we shoot for the 31st and use the 7th as a backup plan.

For those that plan on towing you will need a forest adventure pass to park the tow rig there. I plan on just driving out there and back.

and if they give you a ticket it cost the same as a pass... so it's almost worth taking a chance:confused:

...the pass is $5 for the day or $30 for the year....the ticket now is $100 bucks...:eek:

The penalty for failing to display an adventure pass is still only $5 for your first 3 offenses. It's only after your 3rd time that you become a habitual offender and they start issuing citations for larger amounts.

While I personally disagree with having to pay for the right to use public lands, this really is a good program that helps to provide a better "product" to the public.

Adventure Pass link.

I normally just buy one, but I just thought it was stupid, that the day cost and the fine are the same amount:confused:

The purpose of the notice of non compliance (NNC) was to give new/unaware visitors a "warning" without levying a large fine. NNC's are not tickets, merely a notice to help enforce compliance of federal law.

My recommendation is to just have one person get the annual pass and as many secondary passes as possible. That way you could get 4 for ~$45 and just split the cost. ;)

You only need them for the tow rigs. If you are on the trail moving you do not need a pass.

I usually get an annual Adventure Pass if I plan on going up to Big Bear more than twice in a year. I spoke with the mechanic at Mountain Empire School District, and he said we could park our trail rigs inside the locked bus yard for the day, as long as its not a school day. The entrance to Corral Canyon is about a mile down the road from the bus yard. If the bus yard is not going to be avaliable, he says we can park at the Maintence Supervisor's house, which is about five more miles down the road. Or, we could park at the rest area, but I'm am not too keen on that idea, might have problems do I say this and still remain PC...................what usually goes on at rest areas.


Well I am out for a bit. bent my front leaf springs bad this past weekend doing some winching. Had the rear strapped to a tree and was pulling a dead FJ40 up hill. Time to link the front.

...That's a bummer...Do you already have parts or, is the search just begiining???

Where were you doing some winching?

I hope this doesn't cut into my SAS schedule. :p:

As of right now, I am looking at going out to Moab.:thumbsup: Broken leg and all although sans Ranger.:thumbdwn:

I'm probably done until Oct. with the explorer. Need to fix or replace some stuff.

I hope this doesn't cut into my SAS schedule. :p:
When is this scheduled for? :)

...That's a bummer...Do you already have parts or, is the search just begiining???

I have some parts. I am trying to decide if I was to do a radius arm or a 3 link setup. It is just pushing back the new tires a little longer. I keep telling my self that steel cords give better traction then rubber does.

Where were you doing some winching?

I hope this doesn't cut into my SAS schedule. :p:

Tracy's dad does a benefit run in the Sierra Nevada's every year. We were one of the helpers at the top of a hill helping people get up. The 89 year old guy ran the fuel pickup out of gas right at the top so we had to pull him up flat ground to fire it up. Yes I said 89 and that is his real age. I hope I am still able to drive like he can at that age. If he would not have ran out of gas he would have walked right up.

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