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Dream to be fast

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New supercharger

I am relatively new to the website. I am allways looking for possilbe upgrades to my X, so in digging around I found what may be the golden key. I am only in the investigation stage. I don't have alot of info yet, but it looks like they have developed a stealth supercharger for the 4.0 L Mustang, and are looking at a conversion kit to mount into an Explorer. What makes this supercharger so awsome is that unlike most others, it's boost starts just off idle and has a very linear curve all the way through the rev band. ( So you don't just get a hit at 4000 rpm to redline.) Also, you can adjust the psi boost externally. So if you have it set to 5 psi, ( Approx. 55 hp. gain and 70 ft torque) you don't even need an intercooler set up. It comes with it's own oil cooler that is mounted off the radiator, so you don't even have to tap into the oil system. The supercharger is about the size of an alternator and is serpentine belt driven. It's almost a plug and play supercharger. Now, I don't know that you will get 55 hp from 5 psi on a 4.0 L X. Nobody has tried this combination out yet. I am in talks with the developer about installing one in my truck and doing a photo layout and install description in return with results. :biggthump
Looks like we will be guinee pigs and have to break some uncharted territory. If anyone else has been down this road please send me some feedback. What did you like and not like? How much did you spend ? And anything you learned along the way could be very helpful. Thanks guys and I will keep you posted as this developes. :thumbsup:

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I've been thinking about the exhaust system,,,, Seeing as how I'm going through all the trouble, isn't there a high flow catalytic converter and y pipe to fit also? Anyone know about this? Does it make any difference in the hp to be worth it? I'm thinking higher flow is more hp, so would the stock cats be a point of air restriction?

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put another notch in that flex a lite column!!!

I too recommend the Flex A Lite Black Magic Extreme fan; mine has performed flawlessly ( http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=140251&highlight=electric+fan ). I also recommend a variable speed controller for the fan. I have used the Flex A Lite VSC (http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=161482&highlight=vsc ) until it crapped out; I am now using the Delta Current Controls controller ( http://www.explorerforum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=181585 ).

Good luck ....

I've been thinking about the exhaust system,,,, Seeing as how I'm going through all the trouble, isn't there a high flow catalytic converter and y pipe to fit also? Anyone know about this? Does it make any difference in the hp to be worth it? I'm thinking higher flow is more hp, so would the stock cats be a point of air restriction?

The stock cats flow quite well. I am making over 200 RWHP using them with a 2 1/2" cat back with a Flowmaster 70 muffler.

I agree with Aldive. The stock cat flows very well. I have a magno-flow Hi-flow cat and didn't see any difference.

I ran catless for awhile and it worked great. I wanted to be legal so I added the magna-flow, and I feel I lost just a little bit. Not alot, and I can prove it, just the seat of the pants feel.

I think you should wait till after you dyno and install everthing before trying anything new. There might be a gain with a bigger y-pipe but I have determined this yet.

I think I'm going to make a "Straight-pipe" (that replaces the cat) that's easy to change. I'll do some testing at the track to see if there's a difference, but I'm not exspecting much, if any.

Thanks guys. The flex a lite is on order. I will look into the delta controls. Sounds like a good sense upgrade. So, before I get ahead of myself, here is the projected mod list, not neccassarily in order:
1) Headers and exhaust = Gibsons, Stainless steel and chrome, already here
2) Electric fan conversion = Flex a lite 180 on order
3) Throttle body upgrade = researching
4) Electric water pump conversion = Researched and I think I found one.
5) Underdrive pulley = only if it does'nt mess with the supercharger to come
6) K&N cold air intake = already here until supercharger change out
7) Ignition booster pak
8) Performance plug wires
9) Steel braided brake line
10) Vented/ slotted discs
11) Performance brake pads
12) Will consider suspension mods when I get there.
13) Excal2 flasher = already here

Then prep for supercharger, Injectors and pump, then my dream to be fast supercharger!!!!!
Am I missing anything? quick word, I've looked at Aldive, Jakee, Jah, Rocket and a few others trucks in here. You guys have my respect. NICE TRUCKS!!!! Rockets 600rwhp, it's almost unfair!!! :eek: thanks to him, I will allways closely inspect any black X I come across!hehe!:D
Any input, I'll be listening. I joined this site to share and to learn. I know cars, but this is my first X build up. Well, second, but the first was all ass backwards and didn't turn out the way I expected. Lets just say I learned some from that one. LOL. Now I want to do it right. :)

And Jakee, thnks for the " cat talk". Maybe your right, I'll wait until afterwards for that one, and if I still can't fight off the voice then I'll try it out and see what happens. By the way, no cats on your truck for awhile? Oh for shame!!!! ;) ( I was kinda thinkin maybe me also, not, maybe,,,no I can't,,,maybe,,,,I shouldn't,,,,,hmmmm,,, no,,,,yes??,,,,,)

Please, please tell me about the e water pump that you found.

Thanks ....

Sure, I'm looking at a remote water pump that mounts to the radiator. It only draws 6 amps and looks like it should be fairly simple to attach. I"ll just renove the pulley and guts fron the water pump and use it to plug the water pump opening. The other option is proform has an electric motor that replaces the drive system. In other words instead of a serpintine belt off the crank, you run a belt to this electric motor. I'm still researching the pros and cons of each.

Sure, I'm looking at a remote water pump that mounts to the radiator. It only draws 6 amps and looks like it should be fairly simple to attach. I"ll just renove the pulley and guts fron the water pump and use it to plug the water pump opening. The other option is proform has an electric motor that replaces the drive system. In other words instead of a serpintine belt off the crank, you run a belt to this electric motor. I'm still researching the pros and cons of each.

Well, I see you have some ideas I haven't even thought of. (Stock pump, remove the guts) Sounds interesting.

I'm still researching this as well. I'm trying to come up with something that will LAST! not just get me down the track a few times. I plan on calling around next week to get some more info.

Yes, running catless is a shame. i can't beleive I even did it. shame on me.

I'm gonna do it again! heheh.

Cats and mufflers are for wimps. I'm running a y-pipe, one cat, and no muffler, all run out the side in front of the rear tire. It is LOUD :D

It's your money. I've had my e-fan setup for several months now and it's worked flawlessly. Just trying to save you money so you can spend it elsewhere. BTW, flow test showed the Taurus fan to move between 3500-4000 cfm, and the Lincoln MVIII fan flows 4500-5000cfm.

Cats and mufflers are for wimps. I'm running a y-pipe, one cat, and no muffler, all run out the side in front of the rear tire. It is LOUD :D

It's your money. I've had my e-fan setup for several months now and it's worked flawlessly. Just trying to save you money so you can spend it elsewhere. BTW, flow test showed the Taurus fan to move between 3500-4000 cfm, and the Lincoln MVIII fan flows 4500-5000cfm.

au01st - Have you changed your set-up? I remember you having a cut-out valve, (Or whatever you call it). What sort of gain do you feel from this?

Yeah, maybe, but I want to use my truck for back and fourth to work also, no mufflers make for pissed off neihbors at 6 every morning! And besides, this is my "dream to be fast", we want quiet, "sleeper" hehe,,,not a ROARING NIGHTMARE!!!....lol Even the supercharger I'm using is quiet and stealthy.

I'm eatin those oreos again,,,,MMMMMM! I put the milk in the freezer for about 30 mins before,,,,,sure glad this isn't breakin any laws.
Back to the truck, Yeah Jakee, I want reliability also. Thats' why I agreed with you guys about the flex a lite, au01st had good advise, but if all the big dogs say bark, and you wanna be a big dog, then,,,,,,and by the way, I thought all the lincoln marks used clutch fans ???? Am I mistaken?

Loud mufflers, no cats, special cats, straight pipes do not make more power.

I am putting down 207 RWHP ( should be more since I haven't dynoed since adding the UDPs and the modified TB ) with all cats and a "quiet" Flowmaster 70 muffler.

Stealth is a good thing ....

There's really no secrets with a supercharger or turbo and a stock bottom end'd motor. There's only so much "safe boost" you'll be able to run. Cent., roots type, turbo; they each have there pro's and con's.

Who's gonna tune you? Have you considered JAH81592?

There's really no secrets with a supercharger or turbo and a stock bottom end'd motor. There's only so much "safe boost" you'll be able to run. Cent., roots type, turbo; they each have there pro's and con's.

Who's gonna tune you? Have you considered JAH81592?

You should go to w2w.com and check out this supercharger. They said it's so quiet that it's barely audible over the engine, and if you didn't know what you were looking at you wouldn't even notice the unit. We'll see right? I'm looking for a 5 maybe 6 psi. Somewhere near the 250 rwhp would make me happy. no need for an intercooler at this boost level. And this supercharger comes with a self contained oiler system and mountable oil cooler.
I haven't found a tuner yet. I was hoping the right one would come along. Jah does tuning? I'll have to talk to him about it. If I'm in Florida and he's in ??? may not work out. I heard Doug was really good. I've talked to him before, sounded like a really good guy.

I found the electric water pump I'm going to use. Go to ford racing.com select truck and go to F150 lightning electric water pump. Looks like I can go to Greenway Ford down the street from my house and buy one for 149.00. Did some more searching and the life of the pump is 2500 hrs. Thats around 3 years, maybe 4. Good enouph for me.

Loud mufflers, no cats, special cats, straight pipes do not make more power.

I am putting down 207 RWHP ( should be more since I haven't dynoed since adding the UDPs and the modified TB ) with all cats and a "quiet" Flowmaster 70 muffler.

Stealth is a good thing ....

207+ rwhp NA? very nice!!! I'd like to see the new dyno chart just to see what you have now. Maybe thinkin around 215???,, little more? If I hit a number like NA, I just may think about reconsidering the need for a supercharger,,,,but I don't know,,,,,,I really want one,,,,,,,LOL!

And yes, quiet is good. My grandfather told me this story once, and the moral ended up being that the most dangerous weapon you have is the one that they don't know about. ;)

I found the electric water pump I'm going to use. Go to ford racing.com select truck and go to F150 lightning electric water pump. Looks like I can go to Greenway Ford down the street from my house and buy one for 149.00. Did some more searching and the life of the pump is 2500 hrs. Thats around 3 years, maybe 4. Good enouph for me.

Is the e pump you found the intercooler pump?

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Yeah, that's it. I think. Is it black? I didn't see intercooler ladel on it .

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