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Dream to be fast

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New supercharger

I am relatively new to the website. I am allways looking for possilbe upgrades to my X, so in digging around I found what may be the golden key. I am only in the investigation stage. I don't have alot of info yet, but it looks like they have developed a stealth supercharger for the 4.0 L Mustang, and are looking at a conversion kit to mount into an Explorer. What makes this supercharger so awsome is that unlike most others, it's boost starts just off idle and has a very linear curve all the way through the rev band. ( So you don't just get a hit at 4000 rpm to redline.) Also, you can adjust the psi boost externally. So if you have it set to 5 psi, ( Approx. 55 hp. gain and 70 ft torque) you don't even need an intercooler set up. It comes with it's own oil cooler that is mounted off the radiator, so you don't even have to tap into the oil system. The supercharger is about the size of an alternator and is serpentine belt driven. It's almost a plug and play supercharger. Now, I don't know that you will get 55 hp from 5 psi on a 4.0 L X. Nobody has tried this combination out yet. I am in talks with the developer about installing one in my truck and doing a photo layout and install description in return with results. :biggthump
Looks like we will be guinee pigs and have to break some uncharted territory. If anyone else has been down this road please send me some feedback. What did you like and not like? How much did you spend ? And anything you learned along the way could be very helpful. Thanks guys and I will keep you posted as this developes. :thumbsup:

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Do you think that the IC pump will circulate enough volume for engine cooling?

I have my doubts.

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I had planned on calling Ford Monday to find out. I figure if it flowed a big block V8 then a small block V6 wouldn't be to hard for it.

I do like the EWP 110 numbers though. According to the file they use this pump in alot of military scenarios where a bomb proof ultra high heat tolerance is needed.

I had planned on calling Ford Monday to find out. I figure if it flowed a big block V8 then a small block V6 wouldn't be to hard for it.

Ummm...no..it's not flowing coolant for the motor..it's flowing coolant for the supercharger intercooler...BIG difference. You use that to try and cool your motor and you'll be looking for a new motor pretty quickly...:banghead:

Yeah, my mistake, if it is an intercooler water pump,, guess I jumped the gun a little. I'm diggin man, I'm diggin!:hammer:

Al, did you look at that ewp 110 yet? Looks like a possible?

Yeah, I thought you'd like that one. In your silence I figured you were a) in the back yard doing cartwheels, B) on the phone ordering one C) getting in the truck to drive to plant so when they open in the morning you could get one directly from stock. LOL Let me know if you find a good price on it, I'll be right behind you getting one. Guess the Ford one won't work. So I will have to couph up the cash.

The only US source ( that I found ) is the link I posted above.

Yeah, that's the same place I found. Figure tax and shipping should be close to 350 bucks. I guess it could be worse.
I was going to mount it directly to the radiator. I think it would be an easier install there. I saw alot of dragster guys using a single cooling unit where the radiator, pump, and fan are one bolt on. with 2 hoses and a wire harness. Although we aren't a 1/4 mile minded, I figure they have the set up idea down.:thumbsup:

Excuse me for butting in here--
I am in the opinion electric pumps are great for race engines--
However for a street use car--I am a bit skeptical. What is the expected service life of these?

Excuse me for butting in here--
I am in the opinion electric pumps are great for race engines--
But for a street use car--I am a bit skeptical. What is the expected service life of these??

I've got a Meziere Electric water pump on my Mach and I'm quite happy with it. Meziere claims a 3000+ hour operating life with the pump. If you average driving at 40 mph, that's a life of over 120k miles, which is right up there with a regular water pump.

What I like about it is that my motor runs slightly cooler than it did with the factory pump and I have full circulation, even at idle....not to mention about an 11 hp increase :)


Excuse me for butting in here--
I am in the opinion electric pumps are great for race engines--
But for a street use car--I am a bit skeptical. What is the expected service life of these?

According to the file, pump life is 3000 hours continuos at 270 F. If you drive your truck on average 2-3 hours every day, thats 3 or 4 years life. I can live with that.

I've got a Meziere Electric water pump on my Mach and I'm quite happy with it. Meziere claims a 3000+ hour operating life with the pump. If you average driving at 40 mph, that's a life of over 120k miles, which is right up there with a regular water pump.


You already have one?? lettin us sweat it out keepin secrets?? ;) What flow rate are you getting and how much did it cost? Where did you mount it?

Excuse me for butting in here--
I am in the opinion electric pumps are great for race engines--
However for a street use car--I am a bit skeptical. What is the expected service life of these?

Jon, that kinda sounds like what folks used to say about e fans.

You already have one?? lettin us sweat it out keepin secrets?? ;) What flow rate are you getting and how much did it cost? Where did you mount it?

As I said above, it's on my Mach 1 not on my Explorer. As far as I know, Meziere doesn't make one for the 4.0. The one on my Mach mounts in the factory location on the front of the motor, and no, it can't be easily modified to fit a 4.0......

As I said above, it's on my Mach 1 not on my Explorer. As far as I know, Meziere doesn't make one for the 4.0. The one on my Mach mounts in the factory location on the front of the motor, and no, it can't be easily modified to fit a 4.0......

Oh, sorry. I think I need to have my eyes checked,,, missed intercooler on e pump and mach 1 in your post. Note to self: read, sssslllooowwweeerrrr!

How come all the good stuff only go on the cars that are fast already?

For anyone that would like to experiment with a universal electric water pump, I'd suggest something like this:


This is a Meziere universal water pump, rated at 40 gpm. Summit racing carries them. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1∂=MEZ%2DWP116SHD&N=700+4294822055+4294891681+115&autoview=sku
they are rated at a 2400 hour life span. Meziere also makes a 316 series pump rated at 55 gpm with a 3000 hour lifespan. See http://www.meziere.com/index.php?pgName=Remote for info on all their remote pumps.

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For anyone that would like to experiment with a universal electric water pump, I'd suggest something like this:


This is a Meziere universal water pump, rated at 40 gpm. Summit racing carries them. http://store.summitracing.com/partdetail.asp?autofilter=1∂=MEZ%2DWP116SHD&N=700+4294822055+4294891681+115&autoview=sku
they are rated at a 2400 hour life span. Meziere also makes a 316 series pump rated at 55 gpm with a 3000 hour lifespan. See http://www.meziere.com/index.php?pgName=Remote for info on all their remote pumps.

Yeah, I saw that one, isn't the 55gpm a pink one? The only thing I wasn't sure about was the intake and outlet opening size. The EWP 110 has a 2 inch opening, for some reason I couldn't find those specs on the meziere.

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