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Dream to be fast

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New supercharger

I am relatively new to the website. I am allways looking for possilbe upgrades to my X, so in digging around I found what may be the golden key. I am only in the investigation stage. I don't have alot of info yet, but it looks like they have developed a stealth supercharger for the 4.0 L Mustang, and are looking at a conversion kit to mount into an Explorer. What makes this supercharger so awsome is that unlike most others, it's boost starts just off idle and has a very linear curve all the way through the rev band. ( So you don't just get a hit at 4000 rpm to redline.) Also, you can adjust the psi boost externally. So if you have it set to 5 psi, ( Approx. 55 hp. gain and 70 ft torque) you don't even need an intercooler set up. It comes with it's own oil cooler that is mounted off the radiator, so you don't even have to tap into the oil system. The supercharger is about the size of an alternator and is serpentine belt driven. It's almost a plug and play supercharger. Now, I don't know that you will get 55 hp from 5 psi on a 4.0 L X. Nobody has tried this combination out yet. I am in talks with the developer about installing one in my truck and doing a photo layout and install description in return with results. :biggthump
Looks like we will be guinee pigs and have to break some uncharted territory. If anyone else has been down this road please send me some feedback. What did you like and not like? How much did you spend ? And anything you learned along the way could be very helpful. Thanks guys and I will keep you posted as this developes. :thumbsup:

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Damn Jakee, clean up that garage!LOL

Guys, keep close in mind that the way the remote e pump is plumbed will be DIRECTLY dictated by the way the coolant needs to flow through the engine. If not done properly there will be hot spots that may form inside the engine due to coolant not circulating in certain areas as well as it should be. That can lead to very premature engine damage. If you post detailed pics of the front of your engines (preferably without the water pump on) then I will be able to come up with a plumbing design if you all want? I can tell you that it sometimes isn't as simple as just hooking a hose or two up here or there.

One other question. I ask this because I do not have a clue to how the serp belts are ran in the 4.0's. But if you eliminate that water pump pulley will you still be able to get proper belt routing and belt wrap on other crucial componenets in the front accessory system? Do you plan to refab the stocker water pump to work as just an idler pulley only? I am sure some of you have probably thought of this; I just wanted to know what your approaches were going to be for it.

Guys, keep close in mind that the way the remote e pump is plumbed will be DIRECTLY dictated by the way the coolant needs to flow through the engine. If not done properly there will be hot spots that may form inside the engine due to coolant not circulating in certain areas as well as it should be. That can lead to very premature engine damage. If you post detailed pics of the front of your engines (preferably without the water pump on) then I will be able to come up with a plumbing design if you all want? I can tell you that it sometimes isn't as simple as just hooking a hose or two up here or there.

One other question. I ask this because I do not have a clue to how the serp belts are ran in the 4.0's. But if you eliminate that water pump pulley will you still be able to get proper belt routing and belt wrap on other crucial componenets in the front accessory system? Do you plan to refab the stocker water pump to work as just an idler pulley only? I am sure some of you have probably thought of this; I just wanted to know what your approaches were going to be for it.

This was one question I had as well. By looking at the front of the engine, and with the pump gone, there will be a lot more distance from the Crank pully to the AC. You're looking at about a 100+ degree angle on the AC pulley with the pump gone, and about the same on the crank pulley. (Crank pulley doesn't change)

I think it will work but it's alot of distance. There may be some slipping of the belt may slap around more, but I'm not sure?

You have a good idea on just making an idler pulley out of the old pump. The plus would be you wouldn't have to search for a shorter belt.

I vote we have rocket make up a design! This guy is freaking brite. Almost as brite as me...hehee

One idea I had was to use this old pump as a template to fab an adaptor plate so that I could use a regular Mezier pump for like a 4.6 or something? Only thing I can't figure out is how to block off the middle. (seperate the two water opening on the bock)

I will have good pictures of where I planned on mounting the pump and how I figured I could direct the feed. And yes, my plan so far was to try and remove the propellor plate and use the now idle pump as a pully. I think the distance is too long as well. And you have my vote. I also say we let Rocket look it over and any input will be definately appreciated. And Jackee, if you have success with a plug cover let me know. I'm not in any hurry here. Well, I am, but that's just my wanting to go "GO FAST NOW!!!", I figure I'll do all the installs in a couple of stages until I achieve " ready for supercharger" that way I can make sure I atleast get the most out of it I can along the way. A couple of friends of mine and myself are gonna start on a Saturday, and do the "install and BBQ" thing while the wives giggle in the kitchen. I don't think we will get to the e water pump then. I also have to order a larger alternator to make sure it can handle all the extra loads. E fan and water pump. So I was going to look at the electrical config next. There are several hook up options here, I haven't figured out which one is the best yet. Anyone have a good idea with that? I do want to make sure that a safety alert system is in place so I know the pump is operating properly. The guy at the shop said " just keep your eye on the temp gauge" but I think an earlier alert would be safer. Even if it's just an LCD off the return to let me know there is a complete circuit, If the motor fails, no complete circuit, LCD doesn't come on type of system. Jakee found a watchdog system that I havent looked into yet, but definately will also.
And by the way, Iv'e been thinking about letting Rocket look over everything, after more thought I say we just drive to his house and do it all there! With his knowledge and garage set up, we'd all leave with 400+ hp X tuners hahaha!

If he comes up with a good design, And I know he will, we should reward him. I'd say some cash. It'll save everyone, so it's worth it.

Maybe use this pump, make an adaptor. Serpentine belt problem solved.


When I spoke with Mezeire, they said that they don't have a pump that fits the 4.0 Liter V6. When I asked them if they had one that had hopes of being modified to fit they where reluctant at best. So the guy I spoke with said that before Mezeire made a pump that fit the cuurent Ford line up, The pump that I got was the one that they all, and he emphasized all, used. So I went that route. It seems to be the most proven way to go about this for motors that haven't been developed yet. This model has a proven history of durability and ability for the job. Plus they have developed the product far enouph along that all the parts are serviceable. Some how I take comfort in that. John at Speed Parts said that in all the years he's been selling these pumps, He's had 2 returns, and they were out of the box issues. He's never had one come back for running failure.
Tonight when I get home, ( about 2 hours from now, I have to eat dinner first also, I'll post pictures of the new pump and some down shots of the engine . I'm thinkin, ( I've been wrong before!), that this really isn't as complicated as it may seem.:wavey:

If he comes up with a good design, And I know he will, we should reward him. I'd say some cash. It'll save everyone, so it's worth it.

Maybe use this pump, make an adaptor. Serpentine belt problem solved.


Going by the looks of your stocker pump that elec Meziere pump will not work because it is slightly different in overall impeller design. The WP346 impeller is just designed to move water from one side to another. Going off of the looks of your stocker water pump it looks like not only does the stock impeller do that, but also suck water through the inlet at the front of the pump housinng as well. The Meziere pump you mention will only do half the duty of what it should be doing. At least that is what it looks like based upon what I see in the pictures as I do not have a stocker 4.0 pump in front of me.

Jake, or somebody else I can do one of two things for you guys. I can either design something for you guys remotely over the net or I can design something for you in person. If one of you would be willing to send me your stocker pump then I would have the ability to really R&D it in person and come up with a solid design that would work quite well. I could then prototype the first one based off of the stocker pump that was sent to me and then ship it back to you.

Of course I would ask that I be compensated for my time and for parts I would need to perform the job but things would be kept quite fair as I would be in this to more help you fella's out than to make a buck. Just a few options to throw at you guys.

Yeah - I have my doubts as well. I guess what I'm trying to do here is figure out the serpentine belt problem. No, it's probably very easy but I just haven't figure anything out complete where I feel it will work great. Maybe work, but not great.

Really, you'd need some pics of what the inside looks like when the pump is off, no?

I can send my pump to you rocket. Money for your time?, I can do that too but someone has to help me if you want this design. please.

Aldive - what are your plans?

alright guys, here are the pics I have. Here is the inline pump


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And here are the pics of looking down the right side between the battery and the radiator.


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That hose at the bottom of the radiator feeds directly into the stock water pump. I figured I could mount the pump to the frame on the side and simply connect the infeed hose and route the sender hose so the pump pressure is really only moved over a bit in the same line. Please confirm that this is a sound idea. Of course I will use good clamps to seal the whole thing up. Also iI figure wireing from this position will keep it neat also.

Yeah - I have my doubts as well. I guess what I'm trying to do here is figure out the serpentine belt problem. No, it's probably very easy but I just haven't figure anything out complete where I feel it will work great. Maybe work, but not great.

Really, you'd need some pics of what the inside looks like when the pump is off, no?

I can send my pump to you rocket. Money for your time?, I can do that too but someone has to help me if you want this design. please.

Aldive - what are your plans?

PM sent.

I keep pondering the effect of the additional pressure on the t stat.

Any thoughts??????

I have not looked at the innards of the stock water pump. Does the impeller attach with a bolt? Or how?

Thanks .....

I have not looked at the innards of the stock water pump. Does the impeller attach with a bolt? Or how?

Thanks .....

It's pressed on. Dremel tool will have it removed in a heartbeat :) As for the extra pressure, I've seen absolutely no ill affects with my 55 gpm pump on the Mach...

Also, to respond to incorperating Rocket's help. HELL YES!!!!! If there is anything that you, (he) could do in helping with my, our project, I would more than confidently ask and pay for! I have experience and I love working on cars. I've been apart of a few rebuilds and I did my own 76' Maverick. But that was a stock rebuild and finish. Doing custom tuning and reconfiguring is much more work. I think the experience and knowledge that some of the people on this site have to offer is one of the best resources ever. I would be a fool not to listen. Especially to the proven few here. So, with all that said, I have a base line Dyno to prep for in the morning!:bounce:

And, I've been reviewing my "Mod Plan" and I am starting to think I may need to consider rearend, stall converter and maybe trans. How much can the stock trans handle?

I had a question about the t stat as well. Mezeire said I could remove it as the temp in Florida remains pretty constant year round. And with an e fan to monitor cooling and heating, the fan wouldn't kick on until it warmed up anyway even on cool mornings. But I also heard some leave it in with no ill effects.

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It's pressed on. Dremel tool will have it removed in a heartbeat :) As for the extra pressure, I've seen absolutely no ill affects with my 55 gpm pump on the Mach...

Jeff, your quality input is always appreciated by me; thanks.

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