Extended Service Plan (ESP) prices comparison thread | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Extended Service Plan (ESP) prices comparison thread


February 7, 2011
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2011 Bordeaux Red Limited
Any of you guys get the ESP or any of the other plans, tire, dent, service plan? Just wondering, I already have the vehicle but I am going back to the dealer tomorrow to talk about the plans and I have the prices and I was wondering what you guys thought


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Sweet, that is a little better than my dealer, hopefully they will match it... thanks, I was also wondering if anyone thanks it is worth it?

Funny you mention this. I was just pricing ESPs at fordwarrantys.com. It seems no local guys want to match the price.

With all the complicated electronics of this Ex, I'd say it would be worth it.

I was quoted at the dealership yesterday

7yr 100,000 $1480 $100 deductible
7yr 125,000 $1965 $100 deductible

I found online at fordfactoryplans.com

7yr 100,000 $1020 $100 deductible
7yr 100,000 $1485 $100 deductible

$460 dollar difference is a big one, we will see if the dealer will match it tomorrow, doubt it.

I found online at fordfactoryplans.com

Thanks for that--they're about $240 less than fordwarrantys.com. It really does pay to shop around.

Hi guys,

I'm a future owner and just want to ask if this ESP needs to be added before you even get the vehicle? Can I think it over after I get the vehicle and decide if I want this or not? Also, is there a timeframe to when I can or can't get the esp?


ESP may be purchased at any time.I have pushased ESP in the last week of my factory warranty on other vehicles.

Waiting actually is very smart. When pops got his '08 Adrenalin, he had considered a 7/100K warranty extension. I told him to hold on and see what his needs were later.

2.5 years of ownership: 5,200 miles. :)

Took out Lease Care for 4 years, 100,000 kms. $1175 with $0 deductible. Covers rental and 24 hour road side assist. Lease Care also includes the Premium Care component coverage. Got it from the dealership and did not bother shopping around.

Hey Karipay,

This is Seni with Ford Customer Service. I wanted to let you know that you are able to purchase a Ford ESP after you purchase the vehicle. However, this should be done while the vehicle is still under bumper to bumper warranty. The ESP start date will default back to the bumper to bumper warranty start date. For more information about the ESP’s available, check out www.FordOwner.com, there you can review the plans and choose which would suit your needs best. You may contact the ESP sales service center with any further questions you may have at 1-800-367-3377. If there is anything I can do for you, let me know!


Hi guys,

I'm a future owner and just want to ask if this ESP needs to be added before you even get the vehicle? Can I think it over after I get the vehicle and decide if I want this or not? Also, is there a timeframe to when I can or can't get the esp?


With all the complicated electronics of this Ex, I'd say it would be worth it.

Oh yeah, With all the electronic's in these things I'm sure replacing the computer would far exceed the price of the ESP.

MFT is just a slower version of the PC you have in your home with a touch screen instead of a keyboard and mouse and a Microsoft-based OS. All it is, is an ipad integrated into your dash. It's not some IBM super computer looking for a chess master :p:

If it costs Ford more than $300 a unit something is seriously wrong. Once it proliferates to more vehicles in their line-up I'm sure costs will come down more. It's just an entertainment hub that acts as a dual-control for many things (radio, climate, etc). It's not an integral part to the working operation of the Explorer. A $1500 7-year ESP that covers bumper-to-bumper with no deductible is probably worth it, to cover everything, not just MFT (then it's a rip off).

Picked up the 7 year/$0 warranty yesterday for the Adren from Zeigler Auto/Ford. Patiently waiting for My Ford to update to show it applied. Here's to everything going smoothly.

Hey Flounder keep me posted. I hope all goes well, we are about to order it ourselves but are waiting for our tax return. Also let me know if you got the maintenance plan? I am trying to get the best price for that, my dealer is asking $1490 which seems a little high.

Yeah shopping on the internet is great for finding a great ESP price.

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I too am trying to decide if I want the buy the ESP. I just took delivery of my Explorer on 2/14. You guys have been helpful. Thanks for the websites to check price.
