FS - 70mm Throttle body for SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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FS - 70mm Throttle body for SOHC

I'm selling the aftermarket throttle body off of my explorer. I think it will fit on SOHC 4.0's from 1997 to 2001. It gave me a huge seat of the pants gain, and a lot better throttle response. I took it off because I'm selling the explorer. You will need to use your stock throttle position sensor with this body. It is simple to install and comes in the original box with instructions. $75 Shipped (continental US) OBO

It is this throttle body off of Summit.

Will also fit 96-04 Mustang 4.6L





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Bump, no one wants better throttle response on their SOHC?

You know if it'll fit an 01 sport trac job 2? Very interested if it will

Ahh darn. Thanks anyway!
