X-Ville: The Saga Continues... | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X-Ville: The Saga Continues...

Titanium alloy Frame, rims, bumpers, brushguard, tow points, and Drivetrain. 24" ground clearance, Heavy duty winch and......

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interior removable roll cage, snorkel, removable hard top, 37x14.5 tires, V8 engine with ...

350 HP, 365 FT/LBS of torque, 5 speed auto or 6 speed Manual, and....

a built-in spitoon. There would also be a street version of the bronco available which included...

Originally posted by X24
a built-in spitoon. There would also be a street version of the bronco available which included...

They already have these, they are called windows

Originally posted by Crazy5711
They already have these, they are called windows

Whoaw now pard, i'd like to have one of those myself .... with an optional built in spitoon.

The case of the missing ta-ta's had been solved at last! Nice59 and many others were finally at rest. And Nice59 planned a vacation on X mountain, but before he could leave, he recieved a ransom letter from J Mays and CEO Bill Ford, which contained information regarding the new Bronco, and the kidnapping of Nice59's family....

Crazy asked "what are the ransom demands?"

The damands were a billion dollars, the local ta-ta's, extinction of the new idea of the new bronco, and the destruction of X-ville! Well, Nice59 had to take action quickly, so he took the Rescue X and crashed (again) through the windows of the design department of Ford HQ. This destroyed the building, and the evil force, known as J Mays. The evil force had Bill Ford under Mind control, and thus, being back to his old self, promised to create the new bronco, release Nice59's family, and battle the U-hual franchise! (and also replace the rescue X)

and here is one possible look for the new bronco:

(i know im breaking the double posting rule, but i just had to)

The townspeople threatened to boycott Ford and sell all their explorers if Ford didnt promise to make the new bronco look less like an H2. Fords response was...

The mayor held a town meeting to discuss ideas on how to convince or force Ford to put solid axles on the new Bronco. Suddenly, they all realized they hadn't rescued Nice59's family yet!

The evil force had Bill Ford under Mind control, and thus, being back to his old self, promised to create the new bronco, release Nice59's family
they were rescued, just didnt mention bringing them back...but thanks for being concerned!:D i love it when the mayor actually looks out for the benefit of the town.

We must spread an anonimous e-mail convincing the gullable population that IFS is a major contributer to the rollover factor of SUV's, and thus all trucks should have solid axles. Maybe even get enough evidence to convince Ford to do a recall and switch all past models to solid axle.

Breaking the double post rule

A few weeks later, a helicopter came into town and landed on the Helipad on top of the strip club. Out stepped......

(trying to bring it back to life)

But bob the marine sniper took care of that problem...permenently;)

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way to go Bob!! (sorry)
