X-Ville: The Saga Continues... | Page 9 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X-Ville: The Saga Continues...

So does this lady accusing me of ________ have a pic? ;) Welcome to the site...

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Well Sheriff GIJOE thinks it would be a good idea to expand the sheriff squad to three people and so he allowed NICE59 to become an investigator but only if he works for the X-Ville Sheriff's Department.

what about rfuree11?
he needs some $$$ to fix up his X- he has bigger plans for it.

Nice59 graciously takes role as the X-ville sheriff department's new investigator...and Nice59 listens to the lady and hears the info about sapogmxr, and is shocked to hear what he hears. Nice59 runs to black magic's gentlemens club to check on the hooter girls....and they were not to be seen! the hooter girls were missing! Nice 59 started his first case...

Nice59 started by questioning sapogmxr. sapogmxr was asked to come to the sherif's office and was put under a KC light. GIJOE and Nice95 were present and the first question they asked was....

nice59 yelled "Why are you wearing a brown belt with black shoes!" while Gijoe went and got a tape recorder from radio shack. They were practicing the good cop bad cop routine when all of the sudden a brick with a message on it smashed through the window...

The brick says..."hey Mr. Investigators, you got the wrong man. I am the one with the hooters girls because I like ta-ta's, and the color orange shorts are really my style." They thought about this message and come up with the only possible answer...

Nice59 was thinking about the message....orange shorts...and ta-ta's....theres a connection. nice59 goes back to the club to lift prints. when he got there, he found a CLUE! a type r sticker, NEW!

He put the clues together. Ta-ta's, orange shorts, Type R sticker, and then it hit him.......

This Town is dying............. so everyone called for ______________________ to help them revive their town.


He flew into town and found Nice59, and said, "quickly, cling to my buttocks and I will take you to this great evil that has selfishly taken all the Ta-Ta's away from the good citizens of X-Ville...

AlaskanJack shakes his head *@@* then grabs a driveshaft and knocks himself out.....leaving Crazy to his vices

The great evil they flew to was the headquarters of FORD itself. They crashed through the window of the CEO's office! After cleaning up the CEO's urine from the chair, Powdered Toast Man and Nice95 forced him to promise us a new Ford Off-Road SUV... the next Bronco! The stock specs were to be:

SnowExploder had no idea what the specs would be, but someone had mentioned something earlier about a ski resort. She decided that she would start a resort called X Mountain. It would aways have fresh powder, blue skys, and no lift lines. And the lifts would look like this:

At that moment a cry of relief came from the gentlemens club, as they found out that the Girls weren't missing at all, they just all took a potty break at the same time. Black Magic was running around town yelling "the Ta-Ta's are back the Ta-ta's are back" with tears in his eyes

In celebration to the return of the Ta-ta's, black magic gathered up all the residents of X-ville and drove to_____, where they ______ all day long.

Sorry we got side tracked by Ta-ta's!

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Two solid axles and selectable lockers with coilovers and an ATLAS t-case the rest of the stock goodies are ...
