X-Ville: The Saga Continues... | Page 8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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X-Ville: The Saga Continues...

as the residents of x-ville were deciding how the women would fight, nice59fordf100 rigged up a key seperation device to get the keys from all the salt. but some keys were rusted out. so nice59 sends in his application to open a ford dealership so explorer owners could give nice59 their VIN, and get new keys cut(anyone can steal you're x)

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little did everyone know. Nice59 was getting keys made so he could steal all the explorers and ship them out on boats to Europe.

no, nice59 was just wanting to help the explorer owners out with new jeys, ask the mayor!

Soon, the KeyMaker from the Matrix showed up and gave out new keys to all who lost them.

Suddenly everyone realized that GinaGem was dragging a defeated Helga from the KY ring.

And the crown lifted Ginagem on their shoulders in rejoice that the Aztec-Ex war of 2k3 was finally over.


To celebrate, Joe93 and hvac man went hunting and filled the back of Joes truck with some meat for a feast!

The feast had all kind of meat, a large selection for those who don't eat meat, hundreds of beers on tap, all other forms of alchoholic and non alchoholic beverages, and in a large chair on a raised platform at the head table was ...

Carmen Electra who was there for veiwing pleasure.. She got out of the chair and said to the people...

But before she could speak a huge explosion was heard in the distance. Then another one, and a low rumble could be heard as if something was approaching...


They erase everyones' memory of the battle of the aztecs, and everyone wonders, "what the hell happened to our quaint little town?" Everyone turns to Webster for advice on rebuilding.

Everyone was called to a town meeting. All town meetings were held near the intersection of the racetrack and MoabII (the off-road park). Mayor Webster spoke: "We must rebuild... but we must also protect our town better. Stand and speak if you have an idea."

Nice59 stoop up and opted to become x-ville's private investigator. this way he could track leads, and keep violence, attacks, and terrorism from even occuring...nice59 CAN be trusted...he really did try to help the explorer owners with the new keys...

I say we pile up all of our dead trannies and form a wall with only a few openings(very possible). People from all around will try to get in and then see the trannies and electronic T-Cases (everyone will have 1354's or atlas's) and they will be scared off, not realizing that we just have explorers (that would explain everything). They will think we are some horrible people out to destroy their trucks and run away in fear!!!

Well NICE59, if you are going to be a private investigator you can do so, of course. If you are asking if the town wants to hire you I will leave that decision to Sheriff GIJOE.

The town forms a new comittee putting sapogmxr at the head of it. This comitte will be incharge of....

Off subject- AS soon as i was put in charge of the entrences to X-Ville, i got my avatar. Resum

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but a young lady walks into town during one of the meetings and sits next to NICE59 and say's that she has info regarding sapogmxr, that he is a spy and say's to nice59 "your cute and i mean it". so the whole town
accuse's sapogmxr of....
