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Inner Tie Rod Removal and Replacement (Pictures)

does anyone know what size wrench fits on the inner tie rod to unbolt it?

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Outer tie Rods

I might have missed it, but is there a walkthrough for replacing the outer tie rods? I'm going to do mine at the same time.

The Inner tie rod hex measures 35.8mm, 36mm wrench.

Part number IEV317 ($26.50 ea)for the inner and IES3461 ($17.26 ea) for the outer these ends are also greasable and Ingalls has the same limited lifetime warranty as the rest of the premium chassis manufacturers.


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Is the packet of red stuff that comes with the Moog inner tie rods lock-tie or grease? If it's lock-tie, should I still go ahead and get some grease to grease the rack up a little before putting the boot back on?

Also, I ordered Moog parts from RockAtuo but one of the outer tie rods had already been opened (looks like it was a return part). The little schrader valve was missing from the packet. But the big thing is, the part is not identical to the other one. Whereas one has a gold metal plate on the top, this one does not. What I'm worried about is that someone stuck a generic tie rod in the box and returned it to Rockauto and they didn't notice. Is there anyway to confirm the part is manufactured by Moog?

Is the packet of red stuff that comes with the Moog inner tie rods lock-tie or grease? If it's lock-tie, should I still go ahead and get some grease to grease the rack up a little before putting the boot back on?


Also, I ordered Moog parts from RockAtuo but one of the outer tie rods had already been opened (looks like it was a return part). The little schrader valve was missing from the packet. But the big thing is, the part is not identical to the other one. Whereas one has a gold metal plate on the top, this one does not. What I'm worried about is that someone stuck a generic tie rod in the box and returned it to Rockauto and they didn't notice. Is there anyway to confirm the part is manufactured by Moog?

This is why I only order parts from Rockauto.


I'm sorry to hear that part was defective. I'll have our warehouse ship out a
replacement for you tomorrow. As of right now, we will not need you to ship
back the defective part. However, please hold on to it for 2 weeks in case my
warehouse changes their mind. After that time, you may do with it what you
please. I apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank you,

Justin S
RockAuto Customer Service

Awesome write-up; thanks a lot. I have a quick question. I just replaced both ball joints and I noticed that I also need to replace one of my tie rods. replacing both ball joints eliminated part of the rattling that that was coming from the front end but I still have rattling when I hit bumps. Do shot tie rods cause a rattling noise as well or should I be looking for another cause? Thanks a lot.

Just an FYI the wrench with the Ford water pump tool fits the inner-tie rod hex. I think it 36 mm.

So my inner tie rod end is not coming off and im afraid of twisting the rack and pinion too much. Is there anything to be worried about with the rack and taking off the tie rod this way? also should the tie rod come off pretty easy or does it usually require a lot of muscling to get off?

Alignment shop just told me they couldn't do my alignment because the inner tie rods wasn't tight and was spinning. Said I either needed to dent the inner rod so it wouldn't spin or there was a pin missing?!? WTF?!, isn't that just the large nut on inner rod that needs to be tightened? There is no pin or denting needed right?

They charged me 17 bucks to tell me they couldn't do it.

Please tell me if I am right so I can go reem them.


The inners on these vehicles are supposed to spin, that is what allows alignment without removing the outer tie rod end. They are a ball in socket design. I'd go buy a new one from a parts store, show it to them and demand a refund, then find another shop. They can be "loose" but they always will spin.

Thanks. Good idea on buying another inner and showing them. Sears said the guy was there 23 years. Well he bettter get some recent training. Now I am even madder as I am missing work to get an alignment this morning. Chaz

turns out that it WAS a bad inner tie rod. the threads were wobbling, wether it was a bad part or me installing it wrong...who knows

Evan, thanks for the write up. very helpful. now to size the new ones up and slap everything back together in the 'morn.

thanks again man.

update.... everything went smooth. had some violent shaking at first when i fired her up for a test drive, but a few quick lock to lock's took care of it. -keeping fingers crossed- cause that was some scary ****. took the wheel out of my hands damn near.

anyway, thanks again.

I read this post and the replies, very informative, yet I have a symptom I'm not sure about..? Got a 96 EX-XLT, 4.0Liter/V-6EFI...I got it cheap w/front end damage. Thats all fixed, ready for the road but while checking tightness of front end, found some slop in the passenger's side tie rod at the power steering Rack..this isnt good, what could be wrong...?

hey cdw that vent pipe your talking Aout

The large steel clamp is a crush clamp, a special $15 tool makes that tight. Evan used a screwdriver to pry them open/loose. I noticed that he didn't get new clamps with his ends, and used a zip tie to replace the steel clamp. That should work fine, I bought my tie rods from Ford(with clamps), and I had the tool from doing axles prior.

That vent pipe should easily slip or pull out of the boots. Take your time and keep everything clean. Good luck,

hey cdw this vent pipe is it the thin tube that is connect to both boots, i am about to change the inner tie rod on my 2002 mountianeer also do i just have to jack the truck up to pull the tie rod or do i have to jack up the part of the frame of the tire too, thnaks jim from nj,,

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hmmm...about a year and mine is till fine with noose connected

I am not reccomending this, I just couldnt get it back on
