Jenren81's Scoot thing- | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Jenren81's Scoot thing-


DIY stunt double
Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Humboldt, KS
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Mounty
Alright here's a fun one

We are going to customize Jenni's ( Wakesk8r) Scooter

I want to color as much as possible. For balance the exhaust may need to remain black-
For the plastic, it will be easier to match paint to cured powder, then the other way around.

Ideas for color-
Neon Pink ?
Candy Lime green frame with purple accent parts?

other ideas.
I'm not sure if another wheel design will be purchased.

She's tearing it down now guys, so, please help if you can.


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i am quite in love with my ruckus... so much to the point that i have ripped it apart. ha ha ha... it got quite the usage in chicago (and had to live outside alllll winter) so i need to fix her back up again. i pretty much ride it year round!!!

color ideas are welcome...

froader, i bet there are a ton of rucks out there in cali. actually, i know there are! they do some crazy stuff to theirs..

i'll probably have to stick with these wheels, the aftermarket stuff on these is $$$$$$ because most of it is imported. there are some cool ones though...

Candy Lime green frame
This gets my vote, I'm sure Burnsy would also agree :)

I saw a lot of these in Tokyo and its suburbs, Ruckuses (and other scooters) were everywhere! They're like ants!

i'm still partial to the lime green... maybe it was my kawasaki dirtbike growing up ;-) but i think it's cool... the purple looks really nice too. i look forward to seeing your work jt!!

ahhh hahaha!!! that is awesome!! you have my lil beagle and everything... the sad part is, i have been brainstorming some sort of carrier for him on it. i have thought about going the multi color route... it started as all white, now it's mostly bright yellow with some white. the lime green looks nice!!!

I was going to say-wrinkle black would be a good second color. With all the black going on, it might be hard to do a good looking 2 color scheme, unless all of it was. I think to pull it off a lot of plastic will need painting.

there isn't going to be much plastic left... the floorboard and under the seat will be gone, the big bulky tail light assembly is already chopped off, new taillight will be mounted under the seat frame. i've had the rear fender off for awhile since it doesn't rain here TOO much. i think the mono-color looks good. i think the wheels would be cool in that color too.. but might be overkill? nice photoshopping!

haha.. sad thing is, i'd totally rock that scooter! it would match my obnoxious personality :confused:

oh, well in that case. I think it could be done.

so this is kind of where i'm headed here, when i say i'm taking the plastics off the floorboard and adding a framebrace thingy, etc. the ruckus lacks a good place to put the feet, it can feel cramped even for me... and i'm only 5'7". the frame brace has a place to put pegs further out to streeetchh out. however, i won't be stretching out my frame or doing an engine swap.

these are cool, the blue on the last one is nice. all these pics are from member's ride section. there is some crazy stuff on there!

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