just a fyi | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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just a fyi

whats up all? i know its probably wrong to put it here but there is plenty of D30 SAS info at s10forum.com. most everyone there uses the d30 under the SFA forum. they are the same width frames, same weight, similar engines... Sky manufacturing makes a crossmember kit for 200 with shackles and everything.

just an fyi

nice for someone that does not wheel that ofent but the dana 30's usually go pop when stressed with anything over 33 inch tires. With the same or less you can have a dana 44 that will work just as good as your rear 8.8 and withstand alot more abuse.

Edit: It seems i did not look at the sky man. website good enough. The product looks like a solid way to use leafs up front. Less travel/articulation than coils but for 200 bucks it seems like a solid buy if willing to mod the kit.

i will be using a 44 when i decide to finally go sas. i was just putting it out for others...
